Storstrømmen in the sunset II   61114
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1 Farø
2 Farø-Sjælland Link
3 Skovhuse Skov 96 m, 7 km
4 Sjælland
5 Kalvestrøm
6 Langø, 7 km
7 Tærø, 4 km
8 Møn, 9 km
9 Bogø
10 Grønsund
11 Falster
12 Farø Bridge
13 Orehoved, 11 km
14 Storstrøm Bridge


Location: Kragetinget (1 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2017-05-27, 20:29
As can be seen in the panos from the vicinity, this is a near identical pano, to an older pano from here; hence the title. Still, this is from late may, with the old one from october, giving a different angle of the sunset and overall different season.

Pano made from 21 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-100, 1/250 sec, f/8, developed in Canon DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scale in Irfanview.


Lovely spring impression!
Cheers, Danko.
2021/05/26 21:22 , Danko Rihter
Interesting coastal scene and nice light, not easy at the end.
2021/05/26 22:10 , Jörg Braukmann
Very interesting.
2021/05/28 22:02 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Interessante Frühlingsfarben auf Faroe - in diesem Streiflicht.
Genau so interessant ist der Rundumblick über alle Faroe umgebenden Inseln und die sie verbindenden Brücken (den ich mir hier und nicht schon beim Herbst-Panorama erarbeitet habe). Bei den Inseln vermisse ich aber Masnedoe und auch die Verbindungsstraße zu Bogoe.
2021/05/29 14:45 , Heinz Höra
Hello, Heinz. That is correct; due to the sunlight I had to locate to where Masnedø is obscured (cirka behind the windmill). Otherwise, it was blindning in the direction of the bridges and Masnedø. Actually, the outmasked road wasn't intentional. A large farmvessel was parked in the roadside, so to get around that meant the road disappeared. I also normally include roads in my panos.
2021/05/29 15:16 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Another fascinating wide view of the seascape of your homeland, Jan. The bridge is a fine finish and the backlighting is authentically captured ... in my opinion.

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2021/05/30 21:13 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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