Lago di Penne   71259
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1 1.892 m
2 2.000 m
3 2.331 m


Location: Penne (Colle Formica)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 13 August 2020

Lago di Penne is a lake in Abruzzo created by the damming of the Tavo river. It is a nature reserve.
"Penne" in Italian is the plural of "penna" which has several meanings.
Among others, it is also a type of pasta


Maybe Abruzzen: Lago di campotosto?
2020/08/24 20:01 , Hermann Leikauf
Maybe it could also be somewhere along the river Magra with a view to the Apuan Alps - from the shape the mountain on the far right is a bit similar to Monte Sagro, but I'm not sure. I haven't found a location along the river with a barrage of the Magra. Anyway, according to my Campocecina panorama this would be a "tricky riddle", dear Giuseppe ;-)) !?!
2020/08/24 20:55 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Dear Hans-Jörg, no tricky riddle, although I would have liked it ;-)
Hermann is not too far.
2020/08/24 23:08 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ok, I added the height of three mountains, Giuseppe - I enjoyed the solution during my second coffee break this morning. Great panorama and riddle … and the name of the lake makes me look forward to lunch ;-)) !!
2020/08/25 08:57 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Very nice pano - is the riddle already resolved ? See der Stifte :-)
2020/08/25 14:55 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
...for dinner I would prefer all’arrabbiata :-)
2020/08/25 18:09 , Werner Schelberger
Visto che ci siamo, le mangerei all' abruzzese :-)
(they are very similar to those "all'arrabbiata").
2020/08/25 19:05 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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