Le Grazie   71245
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1 Monte Muzzerone (Forte del Muzzerone), 326m
2 Monte Castellana (Forte Castellana), 507m
3 (Appennino Tosco-emiliano)
4 Fortezza del Varignano


Location: Le Grazie      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 31 August 2020

Le Grazie, near Porto Venere, is located in one of the bays on the west coast of the Gulf of La Spezia.


I think you are in L. Gr..ie :-)
2020/09/02 18:51 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
There is a former Benedictine abbey behind your back :-)
2020/09/03 06:59 , Werner Schelberger
And on my right I have a former "lazzaretto" (hospital for contagious patients, such as leprosy or plague), now home to the divers of the navy :-)
@Hans-Jürgen: do you know the place?
2020/09/03 22:21 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Not directly Le Grazie, but to a certain degree La Spezia. I made a couple of assumptions. It is in Italy, it is Salt water (big sail ship), Behause of the landscape more on the West Coasts, because of the greenery a bit North and the coast line with a small bay. In the distance some bigger buildings. So it could only be La Spezia bay and Le Gracie ;-)
2020/09/04 11:26 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Fortunately I was offline - I don't know if I would have solved it, despite the Scottish weather ;-) ... a splendid panorama, Giuseppe !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2020/09/06 23:03 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Ah eccolo qui il maltempo che mi ha bloccato!
2020/09/07 09:34 , Pedrotti Alberto
In effetti il tempo nel week-end nella zona è stato pessimo. Da lunedì però è migliorato molto.
2020/09/07 20:12 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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