Kerið   61437
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1 Búrfell 480 m, 6,6 km
2 Hrafnabjörg, 25 km
3 Hlödufell 1186 m, 45 km
4 Högnhöfði 1020 m, 35 km
5 Fjall 340 m, 17 km
6 Hekla 1488 m, 60 km
7 300m, 10 km


Location: The edge (80 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2018-07-19, 09:40
A short stop at this little crater, not too far from Selfoss. The overall view from Selfoss was actually better compared to this place, where you a.o. can't see Bláfell. The crater itself was interesting, but the masses were simply overwhelming. When standing ok for a 360, you either couldn't see the lake, or having the lake in sight, there would be too many people in front of/beneath/directly besides you...

I therefore prefer this craterview without going too wide, with gegenlicht, peolple, and mostly flat terrain behind me.

Pano made from 13 HF (RAW), 50 mm, iso-100, f/8, 1/500 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast, sharpness, and scaling in Irfanview.


Die Vielfalt und die Farben der isländischen Landschaften sind immer wieder eine Augenweide.
VG Manfred
2020/03/30 22:44 , Manfred Hainz
...2012 war ich auch dort. Ein kleiner Parkplatz am Strassenrand, keine 10 Besucher...

2020/03/30 23:22 , Jörg Engelhardt
Incredible development. I owe to say, that I have masked out quite a lot of people to not make it look too crowded. Still, there is a "leben" to the picture. LG Jan.
2020/03/31 21:22 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Gut gewählter Bildausschnitt, klare Farben. Schön, wie der Blick über den See in die Tiefe der Landschaft geht.

Eine etwas weitwinkligere Brennweite hätte die Tiefe des Kraters noch besser zum Ausdruck gebracht. Ich persönlich hätte die Tiefen zudem etwas aufgehellt um der Landschaft im Vordergrund und insbesondere dem Kratersee mehr Licht zu geben.

Hinsichtlich der Personen finde ich den von dir gewählten Kompromiss gut. Alternativ wäre eine Verlängerung der Belichtungszeit auf 20 - 30 s mit ND-Filtern eine praktikable Geschichte. Führt natürlich zu einem quasi menschenleeren Bild. Und setzt natürlich entsprechendes Equipement voraus.
2020/04/01 09:53 , Dieter Leimkötter
@Dieter, JE, et al... 
Dieter, there is no question about a wide angle would be a much better choise. Since buildings are not my preference, and since Denmark lacks prominence, I have never really missed such a lens. After this trip, I found out that I needed one, and among others your own mentioning of the samyang 14 mm made me buy that one. I have yet to show a pano with that one, but hopefully I will soon be able to do that.

Regarding having all, some, or nobody in the pano, I think it depends on the mood and potential of the pano. The nice bright weather doesn't bring any "magic moment"-potential to the pano, so it is mostly of documentary value. People are "alowed" then, although too many gets annoying. I here choose to simply outmask them in PTGui, which gave some breathing space.

Had the light and the sky been more interesting, one could do as Jörg Engelhard on a pano of nearby Gullfoss:

I will soon show how it can also be there; I can compare it to a pano on AP from Thomas Janeck, of Dachstein, where JE comments on the location as a "völlig versauten Landschaft":
2020/04/01 18:18 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
I don't mind the people. They are pretty small. I would have liked the lake as a whole. On the other hand: Maybe the pano becomes a bit short then on
2020/04/03 13:48 , Jörg Braukmann

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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