Danish summernights VIII: Northern Øresund 2.0   61575
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1 Kullen lighthouse, 22 km
2 Mölle


Location: Hesbjerg (50 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2017-06-19, 01:11
Identic (sorry!) to the last pano, looking across Øresund to Skåne in Sweden; but from the following night. Simply for documental reasons, to show a slightly different mood, cloudlayer, and experience. Compared to the 1.0 version, there were no clouds which gave a minor increase in brightness. As will soon be presented, and can already be sensed in 1.0, the thin clouds there gave an immense variation of colours and lights through the clouds. So in 2.0 you see the maximum possible brightness in a danish summernight. In 1.0 however, you see much more colour and variation, which is the winner for me. 2.0 is from the same night as DSN V, and in both one can see a bigger contrast between bright nightsky and dark ground. A modest cloudlayer simply ads a minor brightening of the ground - but of course not too many, then it simply darkens. As Steffen Minack truly remarks in the comments to DSN I, the intensity and overall mood depends on dust, clouds, fog and lightpollution. Therefore, looking for astronomical twilight in Holland and northern Germany a view over water is by far the best place to look.

Conditions otherwise identical to 1.0: Sunset at 22:01, the sun at its lowest at 01:12, and the following sunrise at 04:23. With the pano being made at 01:11, this is 3h 10m after sunset, and 3h 12 before sunrise. The sun was 10 degrees below the horizon at the time of the pano.

Pano made from 7 pics (RAW), Canon 6D, 50mm, f/2,8, 2,5 sec, iso-640, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness, periphal illumination), stitched in PTGui pro, downscaling and sharpness in Irfanview.


Mir gefällt diese Version mit dem hellen Himmel etwas besser.
2018/07/05 08:22 , Friedemann Dittrich
Jan, clearly you have more light at this hour than on my place although the view looks very similar. But where are the NLC's? It should be a good place to see them.
2018/07/05 16:10 , Mentor Depret
@Mentor, this is certainly a good spot to watch them - they just don't appear every night. I can easily watch them from my own home. I am just waiting for a really impressive sight...:-)
2018/07/08 07:21 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Normally, the 2.0 version is sold as an upgrade. In this case, both versions are beautiful in different ways. Cheers, Martin
2018/07/09 20:00 , Martin Kraus
Schöne Farben und eine schöne Form hat dieser Sommer-Abendhimmel. Doch auch die Lichterkette der Uferorte ist faszinierend. Das ist ja die schwedische Küste. Warum hast du nicht extra darauf hingewiesen, Jan?
2018/07/11 17:48 , Heinz Höra
Heinz, I guess I simply forgot it. Have added that now. LG Jan.
2018/07/12 08:20 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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