A sunset in Lahaul   32781
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1 5738
2 Direction Spiti
3 River Chandra
4 5145
5 Suspended glacier
6 5465
7 Direction Chenab
8 Gondla


Location: Vicinity of Sissu (3170 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: India      Date: 07-08-2015
The Stimmung depicted here popped out truly unexpected, lasting only one-two minutes. I had just the time to mount on a store along the road and shoot with some passable Einstellung, and surely without bothering about the local who was standing in front of me. He was presumably waiting for some car or bus, using meanwhile his phone as a pastime. As may be seen, he interrupted his activity in order to understand something of the strange things that were taking place in his vicinity. Namely, a foreigner was turning around on the top of a stone shooting nervously in nearly every direction, even those which seemingly offered nothing to record - provided that there was anything to record at all in this totally ordinary place!! Surely, a complex of strange actions that had perhaps never been seen before in Lahaul...
Yesterday, while first preparing the work, I had followed the seemingly fashionable practice of "wegstempeln" this character... add that the Himalayan size of the mountains all around did not allow him to possess complete legs, let alone feet. In the Alps he would surely have received a more adequate treatment. Today, however, I returned on my steps: namely, as a rule I do not like the stempeln at all, preferring to have everything inside just "because it's there". Even more so with a character like this, who had truly materialized out of a total solitude and a nearly total darkness!
Lahaul is substantially the high basin of the river Chandra, which few kms west joins the Bhaga to form the Chandra-Baga, a big river that later, taking on the name Chenab, flows into Pakistan.

8 HF, Canon G1X, 28 mm equiv, ISO 640, f/5.6, 1/125 sec.

Larger: goo.gl/IdAZH4
GPS track: www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=10846237


Given that almost everybody in the world now has a phone and Internet (like you describe here), the friendly character who has survived the Photoshop Stempel attack now even has a remote chance of looking at the result of your strange activities...this is what is called "progress". Cheers, Martin
2015/09/08 19:44 , Martin Kraus
Hilarious :-) As a side-service from a northerner, regarding your selfproclaimed affinity to the south, these dusklight moments last like forever in northern territories, so there you can enjoy stressfree panorama-production! KR Jan.
2015/09/08 22:58 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Martin: does ever he, who survived such a fierce Stempel attack, have anything to fear in life?
Yes, and he is probably still there, in that wonderful place.

Jan: both at the 32-34 degrees of Ladakh and at the 35 of Crete twilight time was indeed limited, but not so much to let shooters rush in order to set the camera parameters. What lasted truly few instants was a "magical moment" that came out nearly every evening, typically fooling you even when you set up an ambush for it
To be honest, never was I able to catch that moment properly: even here you see it already in its descending phase.
2015/09/09 17:10 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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