Caltabellotta   53929
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1 Monte Triona, 1215
2 Pizzo Cangialoso, 1457, 20 km
3 San Calogero, 1328, 61 km
4 Monte Rose, 1436
5 Burgio
6 Villafranca Sicula
7 Chiesa Matrice
8 Monte Cammarata, 1578
9 Lucca Sicula
10 Caltabellotta
11 Ribera
12 Canale di Sicilia


Location: Pizzo di Caltabellotta (1050 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 16-07-2008
Caltabellotta is the old Triokala: the "three times beautiful", for the safe rock, for the waters, for the fertility of the soil. As often happens in Sicily, however, its current name is Arabic in origin: Qalat al-Ballut, meaning "the castle of the oaks" (the similarity kala-qualat being only a coincidence, as far as I know).
But the name Caltabellotta is found on history handbooks with reference to a still different age: namely, my Aufnahmestandort coincides with the place where in 1302 was signed the treatise ending the "Guerra dei Vespri Siciliani", whose name is made popular also by a Verdi opera.
A place like this towers over centuries of history not less than over the Canale di Sicilia: an aspect, the latter, which I appreciated at its best some hours later, with an enchanting nearly full moon, but without any Aufnamhemoeglichkeit, having ascended to Triokala without a tripod...


2014/10/03 18:19 , Christian Hönig
High above the plains - an "incremental" in-depth panoramic view ... VG.
2014/10/04 14:49 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
HJBay: yes, the image quality is limited, but I liked the sweetness of the naive background landscape. Contrasting with the "strong" foreground, laid out a bit like a Greek theatre.
2014/10/06 19:42 , Pedrotti Alberto
This reminds me to the view from Erice or Enna, and I can't find any quality limits in your exposure. I would really like to see more from Sicily.
Greetings Wolfgang
2014/10/14 00:46 , Wolfgang Bremer
If you like this type of villages ("rocche") on the rock, the road for you is the SS120, from Termini Imerese to Fiumefreddo di Sicilia, which for me is the most incredible/unknown national road in Italy. Here you find in sequence the rocche of Polizzi Generosa (Generosa, generous, by imperial decree of Federico II), Petralia, Gangi, Nicosia, Cerami, Troina, and little pearls like the abandoned Borgo Giuliano
More wonders than tourists, and this for hundreds of kms.
Cheers, Alberto.
2014/10/14 11:10 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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