Near the end of the road... or is it the beginning?   2642
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Location: Between Guayaguyare and Mayaro (15 m)      by: Augustin Werner
Area: Trinidad And Tobago      Date: 04 June 2022
Heading to Guayaguyare (what a beautiful name!) felt pretty much like heading to the end of the world. From the southern regional hub of San Fernando the road first heads east to Mayaro, making countless turns seemingly connecting "every little house" along the way and passing every village, which makes the drive longer than the actual distance would suggest.

We went to Guayaguayare for a family event. When reading a bit about the seemingly unremarkable "end of the road" village, I learned that this is where Christopher Columbus first "saw" Trinidad, before landing further west in Moruga.

Centuries later it was at Guayaguare, where first discovery of oil was made, the beginning of the the nation's dominant industry.

End of the road or beginning of things?

"Nothing special" in this pano, but I quite liked the arrangement of the coconut trees.


Always interesting to see new parts of the world. Cheers, Martin
2022/12/31 16:48 , Martin Kraus
Ein spannungsgeladenes Panorama, wo die Brandung an die Küste peitscht und Strom in Hülle und Fülle zu fließen scheint ... nicht selbstverständlich in der heutigen Zeit!

Herzliche Grüße and a Happy New Year 2023,
2023/01/01 12:59 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Augustin Werner

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