Besshoe ahead - long way to go   31022
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1 Skilsdalshoa
2 Vangstiulakampen
3 Heimdalhoe
4 Fisketjernutten
5 Vestfjellet
6 Besshoe
7 Bukkehoi
8 Bessheim - Rudhoi


Location: At Bessvatnet Lake (1373 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Norway      Date: 23.07.2022
Morning on way to summit of Besshøe, from here its about 8 kilometers to summit. A very long walk through a swampy area. The weather turned bad later on, but luckily it cleared up at the top. On the left you can follow the famous trail Besseggen.


Gorgeous landscape... Cheers, Martin
2022/11/16 21:46 , Martin Kraus
Impressive Landscape! It is amazing that on the one hand you think the stream has lost some metres in altitude from the lake, but on the other hand you can still see the water level of the lake. Are you three metres tall? Cheers Peter
2022/11/17 14:11 , Peter Brandt
I'm quite short ;-)
2022/11/17 17:15 , Konrad Sus

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Konrad Sus


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