View to Vestmannaeyjar islands   4791
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1 Súlnasker, 43 km
2 Geldungur, 43 km
3 Hellisey, 40 km
4 Surtsey 155 m, 54 km
5 Suðurey, 37 km
6 Sæfell, 33 km
7 Heimaey
8 Helgafell 227 m, 32 km
9 Eldfell, 31 km
10 Bjarnaey, 28 km
11 33 km
12 Elliðaey, 27 km


Location: Þorvaldseyri (30 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2018-07-26, 09:50
The angle for the islands of Vestmannaeyjar isn't superduper, but it was the only time where the even the farthest away, Surtsey, was visible.

Surtsey is famous for rising up from the sea in 1963. It has since been a scientific location, where the pioneering species are being followed as they colonise the island. Also of interest, the volcano Eldfell had a massive eruption in 1973,forcing the evacuation of the population. The destruction was halted by application of a massive amount of seawater on the lava flow.

Pano made from 6 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@200mm, iso-160, f/7,1, 1/500 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Jan, ein faszinierendes Bild von diesen Inseln ist Dir gelungen.
Erstaunlich, dass man sie aus der Ebene noch so sehen kann.
Verwirrend, dass Surtsey nicht links außen liegt.
2022/06/21 12:00 , Heinz Höra
A natural right angel ;-)
2022/06/22 19:02 , Steffen Minack
Well worth waiting for this view. Cheers, Martin
2022/06/23 19:34 , Martin Kraus
Well done and labeled!
2022/06/24 13:59 , Jörg Braukmann

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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