Vatnajökull in hazy morning air   61464
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1 Hvannadalshnúkur 2110 m, 78 km
2 Jöklasel 1326 m, 39 km
3 Skálafellsjökull, 28 km
4 Hafrafell, 29 km
5 Heinabergsjökull 1300 m, 35 km
6 Fláajökull, 23 km
7 Heinabergsfjöll 1270 m, 27 km
8 Fláfjall
9 Sandmerkisheiði
10 Glacier toe, 26 km
11 Hoffellsjökull, 23 km
12 Hoffellsfjall, 15 km


Location: Seljavellir (20 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2018-07-25, 06:38
Not much new compared to the previous, except we are a little closer in some angles, and have the morning sun in the back. Since everything around was fenced, I settled for the immediate surroundings of our guesthouse.

Pano made from 20 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@200mm, iso-100, f/8, 1/400 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


The view of these three imposing glacier streams is simply fascinating ... absolutely stunning panorama, Jan !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2022/05/13 10:03 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Sehr beeeindruckend. Gletscher, die sich fast bis auf Meereshöhe erstrecken und nicht weit entfernt sattes Grün und intensive Landwirtschaft.

2022/05/13 12:07 , Dieter Leimkötter
I don't think the right end is the best. Could the buildings have been kept out of the image by a few steps to the left?
2022/05/13 14:46 , Jörg Braukmann
@Jörg, no, unfortunately that meant going downhill, which would also not be optimal. A more radical schnitt, some pixels earlier through the low building is also possible. LG Jan.
2022/05/13 20:48 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Why do they need so many fences here? Same for Ireland... Cheers, Martin
2022/05/14 21:28 , Martin Kraus
Surprisingly many trees here! Cheers Peter
2022/05/24 13:04 , Peter Brandt

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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