Faroese landmarks   91421
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2 Vágar Airport
3 Sørvágur
4 Kolturshamar 477 m (KOLTUR), 23 km
5 Middagsfjall, 12 km
6 Sørvágsfjørður
7 Høgafjall 515 m, 2 km
8 Múlin
9 Filpusardrangur 286 m, 2 km
10 Drangarnir
11 Tindhólmur 262 m, 2 km
12 Skerhólmur
13 Gáshólmur, 3 km
14 Mykineshólmur, 15 km
16 Knúkur 560 m, 10 km
17 Rógvakollur 464 m,2 km


Location: Bøur (50 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Faroe Islands      Date: 2021-07-08, 11:59
When landing by plane on the Faroes from the western approach, passengers are treated with some important landmarks. For the resident population, in particular the steap Tindhólmur, just seconds before landing, has an emotionel importance of "This is home!". Watch this video, and at 8 minutes you will see what I mean:


But also Mykines is important, being the westernmost island. And probably the only place one can almost pet the famous Puffins.

Pano made from 12 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-100, 1/400 sec, f/9, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Again an impressive picture of this landscape. Great view to the bizarre Tindholmur! Also the weather with the rags of clouds is great.
2022/02/08 15:43 , Friedemann Dittrich
Herrliches Bild!
Einzig am unteren Rand wäre es besser, wenn das Ufer durchgehend zu sehen wäre.
2022/02/08 18:30 , Heinz Höra
Always spectacular. Thanks for the link - I assume (also from what we have been shown here on PP) that the landing is not always in such immaculate weather? Cheers, Martin
2022/02/08 19:27 , Martin Kraus
If one day our faithful companion is in "dog heaven", this destination will definitely be at the top of my list - absolutely magnificent panorama again, Jan !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2022/02/09 09:36 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Wunderbare Kombination zweier unterschiedlicher Stimmungen.

2022/02/09 10:48 , Dieter Leimkötter
I totaly agree with Dieter.
2022/02/09 17:47 , Steffen Minack
So beautiful that it looks unreal.
2022/02/10 17:24 , Giuseppe Marzulli

It definitely often gets bumpy, emphasised by the only smaller airplanetypes that can land here. Only since 2012 has A319-types been able to land there, thanks to an extension of the runway. It even has 3 approaches: the predictable WNW-ESE head on, depending on winddirection and -speed, and then the odd SW-to-WNW-curve, in strong north winds. The last is called "The Waterfall approach", since it heads for the waterfall of Trælasnípan, and follows the valley of the lake Sørvágsvatn. This pano shows that approach: https://www.panorama-photo.net/panorama.php?pid=29528

Of course there is also a video of that approach:


I would say though, that it doesn't hold a reputation of being risky, however the flights quite often experiences cancellations, safetylandings in Norway or Scotland, or just delays. Fog seems to be the worst problem, since it comes out of nowhere. A special fog-landing system is installed in all aeroplanes going here, so the trafficplan is much more stable than earlier.

I thank everyone for interest and comments.
2022/02/12 14:46 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Probably just an usual view there, but I really like the stunning landscape withe the colours.
2022/02/12 16:08 , Silas S

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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