Looking beyond Kirkjubøur   5905
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1 Skálhøvdi, 15 km
2 Hvalnes, 11 km
4 Skopun, 7 km
5 Gleðin, 271 m, 9 km
7 Kirkjubøhólmur, 1 km
8 Eggjarrók 421 m, 6 km
9 Trælanípa 150 m, 25 km
11 Kolturshamar 477 m, 12 km
13 Berinartindur 524 m, 35 km
14 Miðvágur, 24 km
15 Magnus cathedral
17 Krosstindur 574 m, 20 km


Location: Bøtangi (75 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Faroe Islands      Date: 2021-07-06, 16:31
Kirkjubøur is a small location not far from Tórshavn. Its main showpiece is the Magnus cathedral, a church ruin with a somewhat troubled history. It was for centuries a "work in progress", but eventually it was never finished. It isn't quite clear what happened, but the main events seem to be work ordered at 1300 by the bishop, with conscription as part of tax payment, and a combination of plague and a rebellion against the conscription at 1350, leaving the building to decay. The increasing importance of Tórshavn as the main city also made the building less important. Today it is the largest ruin on the Faroe Islands.

The nearby houses are inhabited by Trondur Patursson and his family, a well known sculptor in Scandinavia, mainly for his painted glass sculptures.

The small community quickly seems insignificant in such a vast landscape, where the nearby islands were my main focus for the pano. They were kept shrouded in clouds and fog, but partly visible.

Pano made from 29 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@131mm, iso-100, f/9, 1/400 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpness in Irfanview.


Very interesting and beautiful.
2021/12/01 01:03 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Thank you. We had a sudden tele-breakdown last night, so the labels will come slowly through the day.
2021/12/01 07:23 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
What a gorgeous wide view ... another - not only technically - perfect Faroe work, Jan !!!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2021/12/04 08:00 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Extremely realistic, partly almost minimalistic, and therefore even more impressive. Cheers, Martin
2021/12/07 19:48 , Martin Kraus
very different, fascinating Pano! Cheers
2022/01/08 21:58 , Augustin Werner

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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