Villa maritima   1921
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1 Grande Pilone
2 Sostruzioni
3 Aula dei Giganti
4 Monte Pizzocolo
5 MOnte Caplone
6 Monte Denervo
7 Sostruzioni
8 Riva del Garda
9 Rocca di Arco
10 Monte Stivo
11 Monte Altissimo di Nago
12 (Monte Baldo)
13 Garda
14 Bardolino
15 Monte Pastello


Location: Sirmione (60 m)      by: Alvise Bonaldo
Area: Italy      Date: 27.9.2020
The so-called "Grotte di Catullo" are all that remains of a large Roman villa, structured according to the scheme of the villae maritimae spread throughout Italy during the Augustan era. This in particular is the most impressive testimony of a Roman villa in northern Italy. In the Renaissance some Venetian historians attributed the villa to the family of Catullus, although the poet was already dead at the time of construction. The large archaeological complex is made even more fascinating by the fact that it overlooks Lake Garda, which with "favorable" weather conditions takes on a truly stormy appearance.
It is really hard to believe that so far no one has published a photo from this place, given that Sirmione is the most visited lake tourist resort in Italy.

Fuji X-E1 + XC 16-50
11 jpeg orizzontali a mano libera
esposizione manuale
ISO 100, 1/500 sec., f/7,1


Interesting view in fascinating light. Cheers, Martin
2020/10/03 20:14 , Martin Kraus

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Alvise Bonaldo

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