Cerro Cachijirca   51276
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1 Rima Rima, 5171
2 Vallonaraju, 5686
3 Janyaraju, 5675
4 Ochsapalca, 5888
5 Quebrada Cojup
6 Ranrapalca, 6162
7 Palcaraju, 6274
8 Pucaranra, 6156
9 Chinchey, 6309
10 Nevado Churup, 5495
11 Huantsan, 6395, 16 km
12 Nevado Rurec, 5790
13 4580
14 Cashan, 5716
15 Huamashraju, 5435
16 Cashan, 5686
17 Nevado Shacsha, 5636
18 Jenhuaracra, 5659, 58 km
19 Laguna Churup, 4485
20 Huaraz, 3090
21 N.26074
22 Punta Callan, 4225


Location: Cerro Cachijirca (5050 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Peru      Date: 25-06-2019
I like to discover routes, so to say, "on the fly", such that a quiet one-day acclimatization tour from Huaraz ended up on this summit above Laguna Churup.
The name is set according to Openstreetmap, no other source provides a name for this fore-summit of Nevado Churup.
For a better understanding of the whole it is recommended to locate Cerro Cachijirca, at 64.5°, within N.26074, shot the previous day from the other side of Huaylas - namely, from the Cordillera Negra.
Location: -9.47497 -77.42959
Larger: http://bit.ly/36hlwXg


Sehr interessant der Übergang vom "Tiefland" ins Reich der Fünf- und Sechstausender.
2020/01/21 22:25 , Günter Diez
... siento falta de palabras... um auf Deutsch weiterzuschreiben, nicht nur interessanter Uebergang ins Hochgebirge, aber auch vom Schatten zum Licht. Incredibile! Auguri
2020/01/22 03:26 , Augustin Werner
That region seems to be worth visiting...
2020/01/22 09:27 , Johannes Ha
Augustin: ja, dann war das Licht in den letzten 35° zu viel, so habe ich sie vermeidet...
2020/01/22 11:42 , Pedrotti Alberto
A truly impressive exploration tour - the panoramas are a great pleasure !!!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2020/01/26 22:58 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Pedrotti Alberto

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