Llanganuco in bad weather   71881
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1 Chopicalqui
2 Huascaran
3 Chinancocha
4 Orgoncocha
5 Huandoy
6 Pisco, 5752


Location: Llanganuco (4608 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Peru      Date: 14-08-2019
I had promised last week this Schlechtwetterpano from Peru.

Location: -9.04341 -77.59713
Larger: http://bit.ly/2RzdbtT


Sembra uno Stelvio... 
... solo duemila metri più su!!
Ciao, Alvise
2020/01/29 09:16 , Alvise Bonaldo
Stelvio: 2758
Llanganuco: 4767
Punta Olimpica: 4890 (prossimamente)
2020/01/29 12:58 , Pedrotti Alberto
What a road...and there is light on the horizon! Cheers, Martin
2020/02/02 16:46 , Martin Kraus
Einmal, ok, aber zwei mal sich dort raufquälen, das mag ich mir nicht vorstellen.
2020/02/03 16:36 , Dieter Leimkötter
Martin: indeed, Huaylas (the valley of Huaraz, Pacific side) and Cordillera often seem to have totally unrelated weathers. The valley of Conchucos (Amazon side) is often more in tune with the mountains than with Huaylas.
After my retreat from the Cordillera Blanca (well, retreat: I had walked two weeks on the Alpamayo - Santa Cruz loop, what I did not complete was just the bicycle Rundfahrt of the chain), in Huaraz I found people renting gear for the glorious ascent of the Pisco, which is the easiest mountain here. "Because the weather is just so perfect and stable in these days", they explained enthusiastically. "Well, thing may be not so simple" I warned in reply... Look at the label Pisco in the present picture!

Dieter: ja, zweimal in zwei Tagen ist gar nicht leicht! Aber dort befindet sich einer vielleicht nur einmal im Leben...
2020/02/04 16:41 , Pedrotti Alberto
among these 2 "twin" panos, this one is the more interesting for me. Not only because it makes the Cordillera Blanca look rather Black, but because this viewpoint provides a better view of the lake(s) in the valley, and because the road / ... shiny path (:-) is less shiny and appears less dominant or disruptive in the landscape.

As for the sunny version... nice too of course, but I believe for sunny weather i'd prefer your earlier nearby mountain top pano one time riddle.

2020/02/04 19:35 , Augustin Werner
Indeed... the sunny pano is nothing but a poor copy of the summit view.
In this one, with its three blue eyes, the two lagunas and the excerpt of sky, I wanted to focus on the paradox of the weather. This is why I shot from this switchback and not form the pass.
Cheers, Alberto.
2020/02/04 21:10 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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