Nekselø with a bonus   61690
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1 Raklev Høje 59 m, 23 km
2 Raklev church, 23 km
3 Saltbæk Vig
4 Småhøje 65 m, 24 km
5 Arnakke, 12 km
6 Rumlehøj 61 m, 25 km
7 Krageø, 14 km
8 Møllehøj 54 m, 26 km
9 Vrøj, 17 km
10 Listrup Bakke 61 m, 31 km
11 Vågehøj 55 m, 32 km
12 Røsnæs lighthouse, 33 km
13 Røsnæs Puller lighthouse, 35 km
14 Nekselø
15 Elmebjerg 41 m, 7 km
16 Troldemose Bakke 110 m, Jylland, 91,6 km
17 Tele tower, 91,9 km
18 Samsø island, 48 km


Location: Vejrhøj (121 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-04-02, 19:57
Back in 2013 i published my "world record" far view from Denmark, pano #12736. The low standing sun showed no mercy in providing decent pano-conditions, so I could only pack it in a short pano. As the sun went down, so did the farthest part...The day after, conditions were largely similar with Troldemose Bakke at 91 km visible, and it was possible to make a more coherent pano. The farthest part was however not as high above the horizon as the day before, so I left it at that until now...I still hope to shoot a pano in better lightconditions, but this is a rare occasion, as also underlined by Heinz in the comments on #12736.

Pano made from 16 pics (RAW), Canon 550D, 300mm, iso-200, f/6,3, 1/800 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, periphal illumination, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, downscaled and sharpened in Irfanview.


This is a beautiful copper light besides the record.
2019/04/04 04:18 , Steffen Minack
Phantastics colours! Cheers, Martin
2019/04/04 19:28 , Martin Kraus
Fascinating mood and layers and another stunning panorama !!! Tillykke med fødselsdagen, kære Jan ;-) ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2019/04/05 11:49 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Ein Traum in Kupferorange.

Bei 269 ° ist ein deutlicher Sprung in der Helligkeit, der sich nicht nur im Himmel sondern insbesondere in der Insel zeigt. Da sehe ich noch Spielraum zur Optimierung.

Herzliche Grüße,
2019/04/05 13:46 , Dieter Leimkötter
Gefällt mir mit seiner starken Farbgestaltung besser als der Vorgänger.
Allerdings sehe ich wie Dieter den Farbsprung bei 269°als verbesserunswürdig.
2019/04/08 22:14 , Heinz Höra
Thank you for the interest and the improvement suggestions. I think the problems come from the sun shining directly on the glass, despite the lenshood. That was why I didn't make a wider pano the day before. I have tried to smoothen out, but I think so far it doesn't get any better, so until further notice this version will be kept.
2019/04/15 08:40 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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