Piazza del Popolo   21482
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1 Santa Maria dei Miracoli
2 Santa Maria in Montesanto
3 Basilica di San Pietro (Vaticano)
4 Fontana del Nettuno
5 Obelisco Flaminio
6 Fontana del Nettuno


Location: Roma (Terrazza del Pincio)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 1 March 2014
Piazza del Popolo (People's Square) is a large urban square in Rome. The square lies inside the northern gate in the Aurelian Walls, once the Porta Flaminia of ancient Rome, and now called the Porta del Popolo. This was the starting point of the Via Flaminia, the road to Rimini and the most important route to the north of ancient Rome.
The layout of the piazza today was designed in neoclassical style between 1811 and 1822 by the architect Giuseppe Valadier. An Egyptian obelisk from Heliopolis stands in the centre of the Piazza. The obelisk was brought to Rome in 10 BC by order of Augustus.



Luckily you beat me to present a piazza-view from here, since your night-panos are much better :-) I have put on a rough daylight overview on my test site: https://www.panorama-photo.net/panorama.php?pid=10164 The illuminated fountains in particular are beautiful. BR Jan.
2019/02/26 21:19 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Hi Jan. The real advantage of this point of view (compared to your pano 25170) is that we understand well the shape of the square.
2019/02/26 21:33 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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