Danish summernights I: Isefjorden   91814
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1 Bramsnæs Vig
2 Bramsnæs peninsula, 2 km
3 Bramsnæs Bugt
4 Munkholm Bridge
5 Munkholm island, 4 km
6 Tempelkrogen Bugt
7 Langholm, 5 km
8 Mørkemose Bjerg 105 m, 13 km
9 Eriksholm Skov, 3 km
10 Hellede Skov 86 m, 18 km
11 Inderbredning
12 Dragerup Skov, 3 km
13 Bavnehøj 62 m, 12 km
14 Favrbjerg 61 m, 12 km
15 Holbæk Fjord
16 Tuse Næs
17 Kirsebærholmen, 4 km
18 Luntebjerg 84 m, 20 km
19 Bognæs Skov, 7 km
20 Udby Vig
21 Kithøj 49 m, 10 km
22 Odsherred peninsula
23 Svolsbjerg 18 m, 12 km
24 Lammefjord
25 Uglebjerg 31 m, 17 km
26 Eskilsholm, 5 km
27 Kongsøre Skov, 16 km
28 Langø, 5 km
29 Lindholm, 4 km
30 Orø island, 6 km
31 Rønø, 4 km
32 Arnhøj 25 m, 7 km
33 Orø ferry link
34 Klintebakke 33 m, 30 km
35 Halsnæs peninsula (northeastern Sjælland), 30 km
36 Langø, 9 km
37 Hammer Bakke 18 m, 5 km
38 Kyndby power plant, 9 km
39 Vellerup Vig
40 Hornsherred peninsula


Location: Flækkebakke (25 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2017-06-19, 22:22
This is the first of a little serie of summernightpanos from Denmark. They are all from Sjælland, so pretty central for Denmark. I have tried to combine them with landscapes of various sorts, but the emphasis is on the nightsky. The first one shows Isefjorden, between the peninsulas Odsherred and Hornsherred, after sunset, from one of the best viewpoints to the entire fjord. On this day, the sun was setting at 22:00 pm, and the pano was made at 22:22. At this time the sun was 3 degrees below the horizon.

So what are summernights like in Denmark? As most of you know, north of 66 degrees latitude the sun shines for 24 hours at midsummer. The effect is felt with decreasing effect southwards through Europe to the Tropic of Cancer, and noticed by ancient civilizations. In southern Europe the sun sets later in the evening as a sign of the effect, but at 23 pm it is completely dark.

Somewhere nothwards, something happens. At some point, the sun doesn't come lower than 18 degrees under the horizon, and that is the lower definition for twilight, when not completely darkness occure. Twilight continues to 0 degrees under, when daylight takes over. As can be imagined, there is a huge difference in experiencing the sun 18 degrees or 0 degrees under the horizon, and so the twilight period is divided into 3 periods:

12-18 degrees under is called astronomical twilight. A glow against the northern sky can be seen, but the eye cannot make out the horizon in other directions. Appears from 48 degrees and northwards.

6-12 degrees under is called nautical twilight. The horizon can now be distinguished from the nightsky, and even objects on the ground can be made out, but difficult to identify. Artificial illumination is needed to say play football. Appears from 54,5 degrees northwards.

0-6 degrees under is called civil twilight - objects on the ground can easily be identified, most activities can continue without artificial illumination, and even a clouded nightsky appear bright against the horizon. Appears from 61 degrees northwards.

The occurance for each type of twilight at midsummer is appr. Poland, Balticum, and Finland. Denmark is, like the Baltics, within the nautical twilight zone. From north to south, we experience the sun from 8 to 12 degrees under the horizon. That gives a minor, but detectable difference in the summernight experience, with brighter nights in northern Jutland. In this series I have tried as good as possible to show how summernights appear to the naked eye, and so photographic dogmas will not nescessarily be followed.

Pano made from 32 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@135mm, tripod, iso-500, f/5,6, 1/125 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, periphal illumination), stitched in PTGui pro, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Nicht nur ein wieder sehr gut gemachtes Panorama, sondern auch noch sehr interessant, dank Deiner ausführlichen Beschreibung.
Die Größe des Fjords hat mich überrascht. Selbst Seeland ist also schön gegliedert.
2018/06/10 12:31 , Heinz Höra
Most I like the soft red light shining on the water. But of course all other aspects are really great as well.
LG Jörg
2018/06/10 13:07 , Jörg Nitz
Nice intro of your summernight serie, hope you will have an 01:00 clock pano too. I'd like to note that the twilight theories may not allways happen in reality. It depends on the weather, the location and the light pollution, even at the edges. For example: I have not seen the glow at the northern horizon at the north-beach of Hiddensee about one month ago at 01:30 clock with an elevation of the sun of -16 deg. The sky was clear and the lights of the Baltic 2 offshore wind farm (40km) where visible. I just have seen the glow weak on photos with f2.8, ISO 2000 and 15".
Anyway, I hope there will be a clear night the upcomming weekends to climb a local hill at midnight and looking north ;-)
2018/06/10 19:06 , Steffen Minack
Interesting and beautiful at the same time. Cheers, Martin
2018/06/10 19:59 , Martin Kraus
Herrliches Licht! Erstaunlich umfangreiche Beschriftung.
2018/06/11 19:11 , Friedemann Dittrich
Da kann ich ja mein Abendhimmel-Panorama #22574 auch in eine Dämmerungslicht-Kategorie einordnen, und zwar in die der zivilen Dämmerung, da dabei die Sonne theoretisch 2° unter dem Horizont war. In der Diskussion hat Dieter ja sogar festgestellt, daß Dämmerungsstrahlen in dem der untergegangenen Sonne gegenüberliegenden Bereich zu sehen sind.
2018/06/11 20:25 , Heinz Höra
I am very happy with your interest in the pano.

@Steffen: Yes, I will eventually show panos from the darkest moment. The time attested from the first panos are from the camera watch, but I was in particular attentive about checking on my smartphone when the darkest were shot, so that is very accurate. Also, the sunsetting time will be checked and stated for every different location and date in the series.

It could be interesting to a similar midsummernightpano from different latitudes in Germany.

There will be panos from different locations and dates close to the midsummer solstice; I will show them in progressing daytime moves. Dates and locations may therefore jump forth and back.
2018/06/11 22:14 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Simply fantastic - I also enjoyed this fascinating twilight in the last weeks in Scotland ...

Best regards, Hans-Jörg
2018/06/14 08:34 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Sehr beeindruckende Stimmung. Und dann noch die Lichtsäule als Highlight.
2018/06/18 12:33 , Dieter Leimkötter

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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