Stevns Lighthouse offers by far the best overview over the Stevns peninsula and its surroundings. The lighthouse has free entrance, and is open on a daily basis as part of a museum. There is a fine view to Møn, over eastern Sjælland, and Copenhagen and Skåne in the distance.
On this day I also made a Tiefblick-pano with 50mm in HF, but I prefer to show this pano from 70mm in LF, since too much in the distance is lost otherwise. For the time being, the Tiefblick-version can be seen on my testsite, #10164.
Pano made from 34 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@70mm, iso-100, f/8, 1/640 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, ALO off), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.
Hans-Jürgen Bayer, Jörg Braukmann, Klaus Brückner, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Mentor Depret, Friedemann Dittrich, Walter Huber, Heinz Höra, Franz Kerscher, Martin Kraus, Dieter Leimkötter, Giuseppe Marzulli, Steffen Minack, Jörg Nitz, Danko Rihter, Werner Schelberger, Björn Sothmann, Jens Vischer, Alexander Von Mackensen
LG Jörg
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