From the ossuary of Custoza   91767
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1 Solferino
2 Santa Lucia
3 Torre di San Martino (pano 21235)
4 Centrale termo-elettrica di Salionze
5 Monte Pizzocolo, 1581m
6 Monte Tremalzo, 1974m
7 Cima Presanella, 3558m
8 Punta Telegrafo, 2200m
9 Monte Pastello, 1128m
10 Corno d'Aquilio, 1545m
11 Cima Carega, 2259m


Location: Custoza      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 18 November 2017

Custoza today is a known place for the production of Bianco di Custoza, a wine not too famous, but with good value for money.
In the past, some battles have fought here, including the best known one in 1866 during the Austro-Prussian War. The Austro-Prussian War in Italy is called the Third War of Independence and in Germany I believe it is known as Deutscher Krieg.
I am on the monument that collects the bones of dead soldiers during the battle, both Austrians and Italians.


Maybe your vineyard, Giuseppe?
2017/11/27 15:18 , Mentor Depret
Dear Mentor, it's not my vineyard; this is not a vineyard for personal use ;-)
With a vineyard so you can get drunk for one year more than a hundred people ;-)
2017/11/27 19:08 , Giuseppe Marzulli
In the place where I am, there was a battle...
2017/11/27 20:16 , Giuseppe Marzulli
And the strange thing is that it was a battle of the Austro-Prussian War.
2017/11/27 20:28 , Giuseppe Marzulli
As a stand-alone-picture it was too hard for me, but with your last desription, Giuseppe, it is rather easy.

Your position is next to the "ossario", is it not?
2017/11/27 21:31 , Arne Rönsch
2017/11/27 21:43 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Bianco di Custoza - thanks for the recommendation Giuseppe ;-)!! Like this beautiful landscape panorama much ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2017/11/28 19:37 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Cordateria selona (Pampasgras) im Vordergrund vom feinsten...Und noch schöner Herbst ! Herzliche Grüße Velten
2017/11/30 15:20 , Velten Feurich
Although being too late here, I very much enjoy the riddles where we view wine growing in various areas. Even more I would enjoy to meet and have riddles of tasting wine ;-) Cheers, Martin
2017/11/30 19:35 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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