Autumn on Røsnæs   61808
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1 Asnæsværket power plant, 14 km
2 Halsskov Odde peninsula, 44 km
3 Asnæs peninsula, 8 km
4 Store Bælt eastern bridge, 44 km
5 Store Bælt
6 Romsø island, 25 km
7 Digersbanke, 25 km
9 Æbelø island, 46 km
10 Lille Bælt
11 Troldemose Bakke 110 m, Jylland, 60 km
12 Endelave island, 36 km
13 Røsnæs Lighthouse, 3 km
14 Old lighthouse, 1,7 km
16 Ellemandsbjerg 99 m, Helgenæs, Jylland, 48 km
17 Agri Bavnehøj 137 m, Mols Bjerge, Jylland, 59 km
18 Vejrø island, 24 km
19 Hjelm island, 44 km


Location: Vågehøj (55 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-09-28, 09:00
Another old impression, fitting the season. This location is always worth a visit, and one I often frequent. A snowcovered version will be my next ambition. More description under #9681 and #14166. In short, the view stretches from The Storebælt Bridge, over the islands Fyn and Samsø, to the "nose" on Jutland, called Djursland. In other words, a very strategic overview of central Denmark.

Pano made from 20 pics (RAW), 50 mm, Canon 550D, iso-100, 1/320 sek, f/8, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, ALO off, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast in GIMP, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Subtile Ausarbeitung, feine Stimmung!
VG, Danko.
2017/10/22 12:21 , Danko Rihter
Simply stunning autumn impression of your beautiful home region, dear Jan ...

... and it's incredible - I don't remember any time that in the last 5 years, 19 panoramas have been published within 16 hours ... and then in this high quality. The platform seems to blossom in late October - not only the world seems to play crazy in these days ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2017/10/22 12:33 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
I agree with Hans-Jörg. The amount and variety of high-quality scenes that we get to see this weekend is amazing. Cheers, Martin
2017/10/22 20:13 , Martin Kraus
2017/10/22 20:14 , Markus Ulmer
Great stitching, a perfect horizon!
2017/10/22 20:35 , Jens Vischer
Ein herrlich beruhigendes Landschaftsbild! Die Abstimmung von Farben und Helligkeit gefällt mir ausgezeichnet.
2017/10/25 10:09 , Friedemann Dittrich

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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