Central Sjælland in spring   61955
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1 Egstallebjerg 94 m, 33 km
2 Røgerup Skov 78 m, 36 km
3 Solhøj 75 m, 30 km
4 Ugerløse Kirke (church), 19 km
5 Lerbjerg 108 m, 32 km
6 Skovbakke 113 m, 32 km
7 Æblebjerg 111 m, 32 km
8 Høbjerg 117 m, 32 km
9 Højbjerg 118 m, 30 km
10 Gyldenløves Høj 126 m, 32 km
11 Lindebjerg 103 m, 31 km
12 P. 92 m, 30 km
13 Niløse Kirke (church), 9 km
14 Langebjerg 80 m, 28 km
15 Store Bøgeskov (forest), 20 km
16 Kærehave Skov (forest), 33 km
17 Dianalund, 11 km
18 Skt. Bents Kirke (church), Ringsted, 30 km
19 Watertower, Ringsted, 31 km
20 Sigersted Kirke (church), 28 km
21 Bjernede Kirke (church), 21 km
22 Tersløse Kirke (church), 10 km
23 Egebjerg 53 m, 35 km
24 Grain silo, 13 km
25 Bromme Plantage (forest), 15 km
26 Bromme Kirke (church), 14 km
27 Alsted Skov (forest) 65 m, 26 km
28 Enemærket Skov (forest), 5 km
29 Timber yard, Sorø, 19 km
30 Overdrevsskov (forest), 16 km
31 Vedbygård manor house, 3,3 km
32 Nykobbel Skov (forest), 19 km
33 Ruds Vedby Kirke, church, 3,5 km
34 Østerbjerg 88 m, 22 km
35 Vættebjerg 93 m, 21 km
36 Lerbjerg 88 m, 21 km
37 Ravnsbjerg 88 m, 21 km
38 Ottestrup Kirke (church), 17 km
39 P. 84 m, 19 km
40 P. 84 m, 19 km
41 P. 83 m, 19 km
42 P. 83 m, 19 km
43 Glohøj 82 m, 19 km
44 Etterbjerg 97 m, 19 km


Location: Kløveshøj (100 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2012-05-27, 20:30
A late spring alternative to #12474; just somewhat more east to south in the perspective. We look at what is traditionally thought of as the highest point on Sjælland, namely Gyldeløves Høj, at 126 meters. In fact, many years ago the hill had a lot of soil added on the top, so the owner could brag about having the highest point on Sjælland. The highest natural point on Sjælland is a hill at 123 meters, near Rønnede...

The largest forests of central Sjælland kan be seen also; Højbjerg, Overdrevsskov and Nykobbel.

And please note, that hills in Denmark do not follow the tradition of hills having prominence; actually the same hill kan have two names on either side of the hill. Gyldenløves Høj as an example is an icelake-hill (sediment gathered on the bottom of an glacier lake and left as a hill after the glacier melting away), like the rest of the hills in the Højbjerg Skov, and has 3 corners from seen above. The Schartenhöhe between the 3 corners is hardly more than 5 meters, so in a more true sense it is to be considered as only 1 hill.

Pano made from 39 pics (RAW), 300 mm, iso-100, f/7,1, 1/500 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, ALO off, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTgui pro, downscaled and sharpened in Irfanview.


Quite a lot of trees here. Can you please inform about the pixel lenght of this pano as I see again the lower quality with Firefox compared to Safari.
2017/08/26 21:02 , Mentor Depret
Hi Mentor. 500 x 21449. LG Jan.
2017/08/26 21:06 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Only at first sight monotonous, then interesting and well labeled. Considering all the labelwork I suggest retouching the shadow at the beginning.
2017/08/27 12:01 , Jörg Braukmann
Ctrl + F5...I wanted that small natural framing, but ok, now simply cropped out.
2017/08/27 12:23 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
A very impressive documentation of the fact that Denmark is not as flat as many people believe.
2017/08/29 09:51 , Arne Rönsch
To me this is a great documentation of a cultured landscape I would personally still consider (relatively) flat. Cheers, Martin
2017/08/30 19:46 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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