Athen - Fast-Rundum   21968
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1 Tempel d. Athena Nike
2 Theater des Herodes
3 Parthenon
4 Lykavitos Hügel
5 Parlamentsgebäude
6 Akropolismuseum
7 Olympisches Stadion (ehem. antik, wiederaufgebaut für 1. olympischen Spiele der Moderne 1896)
8 Agina (Insel)
9 Olympiaviertel (2004)
10 Piräus, Frachthafen


Location: Athen, Philopappos Hügel (147 m)      by: Müller Björn
Area: Greece      Date: 06.06.2017
There is no hill (at least no one I found) in Athens providing both a perfect view onto the Akropolis and a full panomaric view over the city. - The Philopappos hill at least is some compromise: only little parts of the Akropolis are hidden by trees, and the only panorama "blocker" is the Philopappos monument itself on top of the hill (which I left out in the panorama, you still see some fences of the monument on the left and on the right).

Esp. in the sunrise/sunset moments, Athens has some special character: an ocean of houses, houses, houses interrupted by some few hills and surrounded by mountains and the sea.

30 QF, 35mm (52mm KB), Sony A58


Herrliches Licht!
2017/06/09 20:51 , Jens Vischer
I was there. It is a great panoramic point. But I did have a strange effect on me. On the one hand the Parthenon, on the other, is an exaggerated expanse of buildings. Too much contrast.
The pano is beautiful and interesting.
2017/06/11 23:52 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Müller Björn

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