View from Capoliveri   62515
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1 Le Calanche. 905m
2 Monte Capanne, 1017m
3 Monte Giove, 853m
4 Golfo Stella
5 Monte Barbatoia, 359m
6 Monte Orello, 377m
7 Monte Fabbrello, 135m
8 Cima del Monte, 516m
9 Monte Mar di Capanne (Monte della Croce), 290m
10 Torre del Giove, 351m
11 Golfo Mola
12 Monte Fico, 268m
13 Porto Azzurro
14 Monte Arco, 278m
15 Forte Longone (Prison)
16 Punta delle Cannelle


Location: Capoliveri      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 23 April 2016
Another pano from Capoliveri, with a completely different view from the other.


Interesting pair of panos. What is the equivalent of the German "zersiedelt" in English or Italian? Cheers, Martin
2016/12/02 17:56 , Martin Kraus
Hallo Martin. Unfortunately I am not able to answer. I can not understand the meaning of "zersiedelt". Maybe someone could help.
2016/12/02 23:50 , Giuseppe Marzulli
We do say "Zersiedelung" when there is a uncontrolled speading of settlements into the landscape; when the "pianificazione territoriale" is out of control. I think the italian "cementificazione" does not hit it exactly, but I hope you get what is meant. I do not share this oppinion in the case of Isola di Elba that "Zersiedelung" is the right term to use -we see a vaccation island settlement pattern upon a historical settlement pattern of small villages and spreadout very small farmsteads - what else should one expect?
2016/12/03 08:28 , Christoph Seger
If the meaning is "overbuilding", I completely agree with Christoph. In the case of the island of Elba one can not speak of "cementificazione".
The island of Elba in all it was enough safeguarded.
2016/12/03 13:10 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Interessante, col monte Capanne che sembra vicinissimo.
Ma il bel paesino lucano è scomparso?
2016/12/03 15:01 , Pedrotti Alberto
Ciao Alberto. Scusami se l' ho tolta, ma volevo cercare di migliorarla e non ci sono riuscito.
2016/12/03 22:54 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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