Valle Argentina   72287
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1 Punta Marguareis, 2651m
2 Cima Missun, 2356m
3 Cima delle Saline, 2612m
4 Monte Saccarello, 2201m
5 Pizzo d'Ormea, 2476m
6 Monte Gerbonte, 1727m
7 G.M.
8 Cima Garlenda, 2141m
9 Monte Fronte', 2152m
10 Colle del Garezzo, 1795m
11 Monte Galero, 1708m
12 Monte Monega, 1882m
13 Valle Argentina
14 Carmo dei Brocchi, 1650m
15 Andagna
16 Triora
17 Monte Moro, 1184m
18 Valle Argentina
19 Monte Faudo, 1149m
20 Lago di Tenarda
21 Monte Ceppo, 1627m
22 (Arma di Taggia)
23 Rifugio Allavena
24 Monte Cinto (Corsica), 2706m; 207,3km
25 (Sanremo)
26 Monte Bignone, 1299m
27 Monte Caggio, 1090m
29 Monte Santa Croce
30 (Ventimiglia)


Location: Rifugio Grai (1920 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 30 October 2016
Argentina valley.
Argentina is a small Italian river in Liguria. Its source is near the French border (monte Saccarello). The river flows past Triora and flows south before emptying into the Ligurian Sea.


I like this look to Argentina, and i have no probem that it is in Italy ;-) ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2016/11/05 15:05 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Dear Hans-Jörg, obviously Argentina as a nation has nothing to do.
Rather the etymology of the name comes from some silver mines. Silver in Italian is said "argento".
So we could say.... "Silver Valley".
But I think you already knew that ;-)
2016/11/05 15:26 , Giuseppe Marzulli
;-) !!!
2016/11/05 15:27 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
For me definitely belonging to
LG Jörg
2016/11/08 23:16 , Jörg Nitz
Hello Jörg. I do not agree with you, but I think it is useful to have different opinions.
I think that the attribution to ap or pp not depends on your location, but from the purpose of the pano.
Take for example the panos 11129 or 11189. Jörg Engelhardt posted those panos in pp and I think he did very well, because the purpose of these panos is to show certain atmospheric phenomena and not to show the mountains.
Similarly, this pano, which is oriented towards the southeast, shows Valle Argentina, Corsica (and I'm a little surprised that no one detected it) in the distance and the Ligurian coast (hidden by the haze).
I should also note that even you yourself have used the same logic in the pano 15652, from Le Haut Montet.
You posted in pp the pano faces south and you posted in the ap the pano 360°, always from the same point.
Which definitely shows that everything is debatable ;-)
2016/11/09 20:38 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Wahnsinn, inklusive M. Cinto! VG Peter
2016/11/10 12:42 , Peter Brandt
Thanks for your response, Giuseppe.
Of course different opinions are welcome. I agree that it is not dependent of the location, where the panorama should be shown. At all panoramas you mention, almost no mountains of the Alps are viewable. But at this one almost only peaks of the alps are in the foreground. So I can't find any reason to show it here. May be you presented it here because of the automn colours. But that means almost any panorama of the Alps e.g. with nice colours, clowds, snow, flowers could be posted at this site
For me the volume of the peaks inside the picture makes the difference.
But of course you have the freedom to decide where you will show it :-)
LG Jörg
2016/11/20 00:22 , Jörg Nitz

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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