Above Klaksv­ík I   62729
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1 Klakkur 413 m, 1,2 km
2 Suður á Nakki 703 m, 3,8 km
3 Haraldssund
4 Vágur
5 Køldinn
6 Fýramarkaknúkur 591 m, 2,5 km
7 Kristjanskirkjan
8 Bustin 439 m, 3,6 km
9 Borðoyarvík


Location: Slope of Hálgafelli (250 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Faroe Islands      Date: 2015-07-30, 11:25
We began our day with a hike to the fjell Klakkur, to enjoy an overview of Klaksvík. Sadly, the fog spoiled the view from the top, but from my short experience of the weather I made sure to shoot a pano at any given opportunity. However, it means I cannot present a 360 degrees pano of the landsacpe, so you'll have to endure 2 panos of the view. Luckily, the weather changed for the better later in the day, which was of great significance for me - more of that later!

Pano made from 46 HF pics (RAW) in 2 rows, 50 mm, iso-100, 1/250 sec, f/7,1, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, ALO off, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, minor contrast adjustment, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Deinen Faröer Panos sind eine Wucht - landschaftlich einmalig.
2016/06/29 22:49 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Oh Mann! I never made it there. On my way to Iceland I was "stranded" in these island group for - if I remember correctly - three days (I went with Smyril Lines). However going by bike I never made it that far north ...
2016/06/29 23:02 , Christoph Seger
Very nice and very impressive also the comparison with the last pano of HJB.
2016/06/29 23:03 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Wonderful point of view!!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2016/06/30 18:23 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
What a perfect harbour...good to see this place from above. Cheers, Martin
2016/07/02 10:48 , Martin Kraus
I think that everyone should boycot visiting the Faroe islands until the native people stop the massive, horrible kill of whales. As a vote of protest I would like to give no points although of course the pano is as good as perfect.
2017/09/12 22:18 , Mentor Depret

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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