On the De Agostini route   32451
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1 Torre Grande, 1969
2 N. 18329
3 Río Tranquilo (CHI)
4 Watershed
5 Río Oro (ARG)
6 Refugio Toni Rohrer, 900
7 De Agostini Base Camp
8 Source of Río Tranquilo
9 (San Lorenzo, 3706)
10 (Hombro Norte, 3150)
11 Saddle of N. 18526, 1795 m
12 Paso del Comedor
13 Torres Feruglio, 2140


Location: One of many stones (1687 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Chile      Date: 16-03-2014
This is a close companion to N.18526.
Here we are a bit lower down, but in exchange we have a 360° view of the secluded valley in which De Agostini found out the ascent route to the San Lorenzo.
The 3706 m summit is in clouds. Visible is only the 1900 m Paso del Comedor, "the pass where you eat", the equivalent of the classical Frühstückplatz on an Alpine normal route. The difference with the Alps may be that while, say, on the Finsteraarhorn from the Platz to the Hugisattel and then to the summit you may need 2-3 hours, here to the summit you need at least 1-2 whole days, Patagonian storms permitting!

Larger: www.panoramio.com/photo/131079453
GPS track: www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=13611426


Nice description with "Frühstücksplatz" and Hugisattel/Finsteraarhorn!! And the panorama is very interesting as always ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2016/06/15 16:51 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
An outstanding place.
2016/06/15 22:02 , Giuseppe Marzulli
HJBäU: maybe there is a psychological reason behind this...
Namely, De Agostini was on the San Lorenzo with two Swiss guides, Hemmi and Schmoll, and for me Finsteraarhorn is the Swiss mountain "par excellence". In spite of the fact that, on the summit, I took a picture of my friend holding a bar of Italian "Novi" chocolate. Just to know, the well-known advertisement for Novi sounds: "Swiss? No, Novi".
For the sake of information. On the summit of the San Lorenzo, De Agostini, Hemmi and Schmoll did not unpack Novi chocolate, but:
- A little statue of Maria Auxiliadora;
- an Argentinian flag;
- the flag of CAB, Club Alpino Bariloche, the Argentinian town where Schmoll lived;
- an Italian flag.
De Agostini remarks:
"The noble Argentinian flag seems to melt its white and turquoise colors in admirable harmony with the whiteness of the snows and with the blue of the sky"
(Andes Patagónicos, II, 17-12-1943)

2016/06/16 11:24 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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