Sundini I   12293
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1 Langasandur
2 Rossafelli 453 m, 5,5 km
3 Langafjall 599 m, 3,7 km
4 Fossdalur
5 Gásafelli 399 m, 2,5 km
6 Hægstafjall 470 m, 5 km
7 Haldarsvik
8 Eiði
9 Eiðiskollur 338 m, 7 km


Location: South of Ljósá (20 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Faroe Islands      Date: 2015-07-28, 16:26
From the exposed north face of the North Atlantic, to the protected straits of the main islands in 10 minutes. Although the size of the islands is small, there is a distinct quiet and feeling to small straits, compared to the always tricky and dangerous conditions at the exposed coastline. The straits between Streymoy and Eysturoy are simply called Sundini - "the Straits".

In this pano - also done by the roadside - the showpiece is the waterfalls of Fossdalur. But still, even without that, it is a typical and characteristic view.

Pano made from 14 LF (RAW), 50 mm, iso 100, f/8, 1/200 sek, developed in DPP (Daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, ALO off), stitched in PTgui, minor contrast adjustment, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.

Labels a little later.


Yet another amazing view from these islands. I am really surprised how expressive this landscape ist - had expected much less. Cheers, MArtin
2016/05/23 20:42 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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