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1 Limonta
2 Monte San Primo
3 Monte Garnasca
4 Monte Nuvolone
5 Visgnola
6 Villa Giulia
7 San Zeno
8 Pizzo della Croce
9 Monte Generoso
10 Aureggio
11 Pescallo
12 Cima della Duaria
13 Monte di Tremezzo
14 Monte Crocione
15 Sasso di San Martino
16 Monte Cucco
17 Sassi della Porta
18 Carlasc
19 Cime di Brugnone
20 Monte Pidaggia
21 Menaggio
22 Ciapp del Castell


Location: Lago di Como, SP 72 (210 m)      by: Christoph Seger
Area: Italy      Date: 2016-05-08
For reasons obvious to anyone traveling in this area Lago di Como is not over-presented at pp. There are not to many terrific viewpoints, the scenery is overwhelming but dominated by the mountains, the villages are more target of "small scale studies" without the need to go panoramic.

From all the pictures I took I wanted to present this series first. Bellagio - beautiful but busy like a beehive - looks so serene and peaceful in its frame of water and tree covered mountain slopes. Just the way I like it - such vistas are my central motivation to travel to such places.

Technical comments
Nikon D800, AF Nikkor 180mm f/2.8D IF-ED
HF RAWs (2 rows with roughly 3/4 overlap) at 11:04 MEZ
f/6.3, 1/800, ISO 100
RawTherapee, PTGUi, GIMP (no crop ...).
Horizon leveling with the aid of


Eine sehr sehr sehenswerte Telestudie in fein authentischer Ausarbeitung - die Mittagszeit ist ja nicht gerade der Freund eines jeden Fotografen, umso beeindruckender für mich diese gelungene Präsentation mit vielen bekannten Details in denen ich mich verlieren könnte!

Herzliche Grüße
2016/05/11 18:58 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
I am very glad to see other panos of Lake Como. If you're still there, or there'll be other times, please let me know.
Postscript: I hope you are not yet there because this week the weather is horrible.
2016/05/11 19:15 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Der wohl Schönste unter den oberitalienischen Seen - wundervoll präsentiert.
2016/05/13 18:58 , Werner Schelberger
I look forward to more. LG Jan.
2016/05/14 21:06 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Christoph Seger

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