It hurts a little not going forward with my panos from the Faroes, but if ever I am going to show something remotely fresh, now is my chance. I will continue with the Faroes soon.
2 weeks ago I had the joy of going on a sea-trip around Møn (pronounced "Möhn"), to watch seabirds. The part of passing the cliffs of Møns Klint became the showpiece of the trip, and left me more stunned than I had expected. I had "feared" a lesser overview than what we got, but still the prominence was shocking for danish proportions. I will need a little time for the correct labeling of the "sluchten" and "köpfe". The location marker and the orientation are not 100% accurate, but close enough...
Before the trip I had Heinz's seaside panos from Rügen in mind, #3032 and #17614. Sadly, I could not expect fresh green leaves on the trees, but I hope the brown trees are OK...When comparing with Heinz's, one can see that Møns Klint is more barren, suggesting more fresh and permanent erosion. Truly, parts of the cliff do fall in the sea at almost yearly intervals, so one should be careful. A few years ago some tourists even got killed from getting buried under a slide. The erosion is caused by a cykle of getting saturated with water during fall and winter, frost in the winter, and dryin up in the summer.
Pano made from 15 HF (RAW), 50 mm, f/8, 1/400, iso-200, developed in DPP (ALO off, daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), PTgui, automatic colour correction, gamma correction, downscaling and sharpening in IrfanView.
Pedrotti Alberto, Jörg Braukmann, Arno Bruckardt, Klaus Brückner, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Friedemann Dittrich, Gerhard Eidenberger, Jörg Engelhardt, Leonhard Huber, Heinz Höra, Martin Kraus, Wilfried Malz, Giuseppe Marzulli, Steffen Minack, Jörg Nitz, Danko Rihter, Arne Rönsch, Werner Schelberger, Christoph Seger, Matthias Stoffels, Konrad Sus, Jens Vischer
And holy enough for me to visit it on my first trip to Scandinavia in 1991.
Cheers, Danko.
23:30 Uhr: Endlich wieder ein Panorama von Dir, Jan. Und wieder so eine feine Arbeit, mit der guten 50er Festbrennweite.
Herrlich, wie das frühe Licht besonders im linken Teil die zahlreichen Cliffs modelliert. Doch auch der rechte Teil mit dem Dronningestolen beeindruckt
Sommerspirspynten sieht aus wie die Wissower Klinken, die vor dem Absturz noch schöner waren. (Ich sollte mal noch die mittleren Tele-Aufnahmen aufbereiten, vielleicht schauen sich das mehr an als das mit Normal-Brennweite.)
Kind regards, Matthias.
Best Regards
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