San Lorenzo   84482
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1 San Valentín, 4058
2 Laguna Corazón
3 Macizo Jeinemeni
4 Lago Brown
5 Monte Zeballos, 2720
6 Rio Oro
7 Border Chile/Argentina
8 Seemingly nameless
9 Cerro Dos Picos, 2275
10 Las Chivas, 1804
11 Cerro Hermoso, 2500
12 Seemingly nameless
13 San Lorenzo, 3706
14 NW foresummit, 3567
15 Laguna below the Comedor
16 Nameless saddle
17 Hombro Norte, 3150
18 Possible descent to De Agostini camp
19 Brecha de la Cornisa, 2260
20 Brecha del Comedor, 1960
21 Torri Feruglio, 2140
22 Paso Feruglio, 1770
23 Cordón Cochrane
24 Vro. del Tranquilo Oeste
25 Torre García, 2420
26 Silla Plater, 1900
27 Laguna del Tranquilo
28 Punta del Tranquilo, 2140
29 Cordón Tres Lagunas
30 Glaciar Alto, 2160
31 Punta Pampa Linda, 2060
32 Tres Lagunas
33 Punta Lucy Gómez, 2060
34 Pared Sur
35 Pared Norte
36 Arco
37 Cerro Arenales, 3358
38 Cordón Aisén
39 (Campos de Hielo Patagónico Norte)
40 Mora
41 Cachet
42 Hyades
43 Fiero


Location: Torre Grande (1969 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Chile      Date: 17-03-2014
San Lorenzo is the second highest massif in Patagonia, after the San Valentin which this perfect Patagonian day allowed to see in the distance.

Description next. I need time to retrieve the old documentation...
For those who remember the old panorama "Las huellas de tu paso", consider that they do not share the same standpoint. The present one comes from a slightly higher summit, with better sight on the region Comedor and, thus, on the Normalweg to the San Lorenzo.
Of course here the search for the footprint effect has eaten up a portion of the 360°...

14 HF, Canon G1X, 32 mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/1250 sec.
GPS track:


like always: splendid
2015/09/21 23:30 , Mentor Depret
I am very happy to see your pictures from this region (again?).
Herzlichst Christoph
2015/09/22 07:52 , Christoph Seger
Che Panoramica e che montagne!!
Davvero spettacolare..
Saluti Patrick
2015/09/22 15:37 , Patrick Runggaldier
The endless queue...but this panorama defeats my theory I just proposed - no arid, eroded mountains here, but sharp glaciated peaks. Great to see those contrasts. Cheers, Martin
2015/09/22 20:27 , Martin Kraus
Martin: the mountain is indeed majestic, but it is hard from a photo like this to understand how the ascent can be so difficult and dangerous. I think that here its height+isolation play a primary role, allowing for incredible winds and storms.
The day before taking this photo I met the two guys who had just performed the first Mexican climb. (After their descent, the massif was remaining entirely mine, which is a sensation that you cannot experience in the Alps). The two claimed to have seen nothing of the mountain during their whole stay!
Cheers, Alberto.
2015/09/23 11:02 , Pedrotti Alberto
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2015/09/24 00:09 , Giuseppe Marzulli
a fantastic place! I think I read the description of your previous pano at least five times, so maybe if all the guys like me can help we will have a chance to get it again :-)
2015/11/11 20:50 , Michael Strasser
Indeed it may come back, although it lies deeply hidden in the queue now.
Consider that it came from a slightly lower summit, which is hidden here. You can see it in the pano now on my Testplatz 7449: this work is the close twin of the present one, and I submitted it several weeks ago to Mountain Panoramas, because surely I cannot publish such a "copy" here!

Meanwhile that story, in a certain sense, "follows" me: if you read it so many times, you will surely understand why it was the hidden subject behind my recent N.18575, with its strange title. For ease, I quote a useful paragraph from the old story:
«Later, unfortunately, in place of Gino came the news that Gino had dead of a stroke while walking to the Pordoi. Hard to believe, but the man who with his wife had performed the first ascent of Aguja Saint-Exupery in the Fitzroy, now had dead while walking on the quiet, wide meadows above Arabba!»
2015/11/11 23:00 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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