Vallée de la Durance   42933
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1 Châteauneuf-Val-Saint-Donat
2 Montagne de Lure, 1534m
3 748 m
4 Rocher d'Arambre, 1434 m
5 Aubignosc
6 A51 Autoroute (Gap-Marseille)
8 Montagne d'Aujour, 1834 m
9  Montagne de la Baume, 1147 m
10 Salignac
11  Sommet de Gache, 1340 m
12 La Durance
13 Montagne de Jouere, 1886m
14 Volonne
15 Château-Arnoux
16 Chateau de Arnoux
17 Sommet du Ruth, 1280m
18 Lac de l'Escale
19 L' Escale
20 Barrage de l' Escale
21 La Pourachere, 861m
22 Canal EDF
23 Malijai
24 Théatre Durance
25 La Durance
26 Plateau de Puimichel
27 usine chimique


Location: Château-Arnoux (Colline Saint-Jean)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: April 2015
In the last trip to France I mostly followed the river Durance. The Durance is a river that rises in Briancon (the Italian-French border) and flows into the Rhone near Avignon.


A suggestion 
The water we see is on its way to a sea, which is often in the evening news in the last time, but in connection with terrible things. And your panoramic point is a rocky hill, probably limestone, with at least a chapel of St. John.
Saluti Wolfgang
2015/06/03 01:12 , Wolfgang Bremer
Look at #16590 :-)
2015/06/03 17:30 , Jörg Nitz
@Wolfgang: How did you guess?
@Jörg: Justly :-)

40 km away, to the left of the Sommet du Ruth (not visible in the pano), it is the place where crashed the plane Germanwings.
2015/06/03 20:20 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Hello, Guiseppe, I read your question only today. The answer is: I ''scanned'' a few bigger rivers coming out of the alps on their south side searching an artificial lake with the beginning of a canal. Because nothing did fit on the italian side, I remembered your visit to Avignon a time ago; so I found the Durance by accident.
Saluti Wolfgang
2015/06/15 00:21 , Wolfgang Bremer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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