Teleview over Sejerø Bugt   144179
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1 Sejerø lighthouse, 23 km
2 Eskebjerg 26 m, Sejerø, 22 km
3 Skagelse Bjerg 29 m, Sejerø, 23 km
4 Knoldebjerg 27 m, Sejerø, 22 km
5 Bybjerg 26 m, Sejerø, 21 km
6 Sejerø Kirke, church, 20 km
7 Grønnebjerg 27 m, Sejerø, 20 km
8 Skelbjerg Hage 22 m, Sejerø, 20 km
9 Sjællands Odde peninsula, 34 km
10 Kongshøj 30 m, Sejerø, 20 km
11 Lindehoved Skov forest 19 m, Sejerø, 20 km
12 Sejerø southeastern reef, 20 km
13 Hulbjerg 29 m, Sjællands Odde, 35 km
14 Dyrehøj 53 m, Sjællands Odde, 39 km
15 Ordrup Næs peninsula, 25 km
16 Sekshøje 51 m, 41 km
17 Elmebjerg 41 m, Nekselø, 17 km
18 Gadebjerg 41 m, Nekselø, 18 km
19 Vejrhøj 121 m, 24 km
20 Point of Arnakke, 12 km
21 Saltbæk Vig -2 m, 9 km
22 Luntebjerg 84 m, 35 km
23 Arnakke Bugt, 11 km
24 Saltbæk Vig -2 m, 10 km
25 Alleshave Kirke, church, 13 km
26 Lindebjerg 61 m, 39 km
27 Saltbæk Vig -2 m, 11 km
28 Lindebjerg 84 m, 20 km
29 Jyderup telemast 311 m + 11 mNN = 322 m, 26 km


Location: Kallerup Bakke (60 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-09-05, 16:14
As mentioned in the last pano, the showpiece from here is the view to the islands Sejerø and Nekselø, and the hill Vejrhøj. They come better forth in a telepano, so of course I had to make such a batch. The bay is surprisingly empty; though not in the holidayseason, there are normally a few boats out there, but not this day...

300 mm, iso100, f/7,1, 1/1000 sec, 41 pics (RAW), handheld, developed in DPP (Daylight, neutral, medium sharpness, ALO off), stitched in PTgui pro, downscaling to 1500 px, levels input (5/235) in GIMP, downscaling and sharpening in IrfanView.


The life of those who make panoramas in Denmark is not easy :-). I think that with 60 meters is hard to do better.
2014/09/08 00:05 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I like these flat shores and enjoy spending vacation there with the family. Also in this year. Denmark was sometimes in sight. Nice to see it again. And we were not on Rügen.
2014/09/08 00:24 , Jörg Braukmann
Sehr klares, detailliertes Telepano mit einem ausgezeichnet geraden Meereshorizont. LG Fried
2014/09/08 06:30 , Friedemann Dittrich
Mountainous Denmark! LG Wilfried
2014/09/08 10:45 , Wilfried Malz
Lovely destination and a good work from you ...

2014/09/08 15:39 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Jan, wieder ein exzellentes Panorama - mit dem guten 300er und Deiner ausgefeilten Technik.
So fein gezeichnet und so detailreich ist alles, bis zu den fernen Gestaden der Insel Sejeroe und sogar bis Sjaellands Odde. Auch der Vordergund macht sich sehr gut. Beeindruckend das Vejrhoej-Massiv.
Die stark gegliederte Küste an dieser Seite Sjaellands ist schon sehr schön.
2014/09/09 18:22 , Heinz Höra
Sehr schöne Kulisse!
VG, Danko.
2014/09/09 18:51 , Danko Rihter
Thank you for the comments, ratings and watching. Panos from the near future will not show this corner (Sejerø Bugt) of Denmark, it's time for a small change of direction.

@Jörg B: I can't wait to see...:-)

LG Jan.
2014/09/09 21:01 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
A really calm and smooth postglacial landscape and also a great teleview of your vicinity. Almost unknown to me.
Kind regards, Matthias.
2014/09/09 22:58 , Matthias Stoffels
Great Pano Jan! Nice to see you back an with this marvelous work!

greetz Seb
2014/09/13 12:17 , Sebastian Becher
Such a lot of tiny details even in large distances.
Greetings Wolfgang
2014/09/14 00:05 , Wolfgang Bremer
I love this type of panos ... Unendlichkeit ...
2014/09/15 18:03 , Christoph Seger
Absolut beeindruckend!! Herzliche Grüße Velten
2014/09/16 05:05 , Velten Feurich
Thank you, once again...LG Jan.
2014/09/18 20:55 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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