Neist Point   73220
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1 Waterstein Head 296m
2 Ben Vratabreck 314m
3 Moonen Bay
4 The Hoe 233m
5 Neist Point Lighthouse
6 Beinn Mhor (South Uist) 620m
7 Beinn na Laire (South Uist) 564m


Location: Neist Point      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: United Kingdom      Date: June 2013
Neist Point is the most westerly point on Isle of Skye.
The lighthouse, built in 1909, has one of the most dramatic situations of any Scottish lighthouse and is a good place to look for whales and dolphins.
Neist Point and the surrounding area is certainly one of the most fascinating places in Skye.


E dietro la penisola sulla sinistra c'è Porto Kagio, immagino!
2013/07/07 23:30 , Pedrotti Alberto
Ciao Alberto. E' difficile immaginare un posto più diverso da Porto Kagio, ma sono due posti meravigliosi entrambi. La prima volta che sono arrivato a Neist Point c' era il mare in tempesta ed un vento con raffiche che sfioravano gli 80 Km/h. In alcuni momenti dovevi rimanere accovacciato per non volare via. Ma era uno spettacolo indimenticabile. Ci sono tornato il giorno dopo e la situazione era molto più tranquilla.
2013/07/07 23:52 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I think this must be the only time you had poor weather conditions in the last maybe ten years.. :-) But the Panorama is interesting!
2013/07/09 16:46 , Sebastian Becher
Yes, Sebastian, I am often lucky with the weather, but not with the Isle of Skye. The first time I went, there was even Katia. Unfortunately, Katia was a hurricane and not my companion.

This time there was no hurricane, and the weather was decent, but I have never seen the sun. If I had not seen this pano of Hans-Jörg Bäuerle I would also have thought that the sun does not exist in Skye.
2013/07/09 18:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I love this point Giuseppe ;-)! Last year i spent some time at this lovely place with birdwatching. Skye is wonderful ... looking at the weather now, i think the original name of Skye "misty island" seems to be correct ... cheers, Hans-Jörg
2013/07/09 19:26 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
fascinating indeed!
2013/07/10 01:11 , Augustin Werner
I visited that location also, two weeks ago. The weather was similar like on your beautiful picture.
Lg Markus
2013/07/16 22:21 , Markus Schwendimann

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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