I guess it is too late to show winterpanos, so this will be the last one, paired with a pano from august 2012. Normally I don't post 2 panos at the same time, but I thought it could be funny to compare the seasons from the same spot. They are both shot around sunset.
The location is a quiet by-way; the only people to come here are locals. That is a shame, since the landscape and view is very unique. I thought the modest house at such an outstanding location is a funny contrast - many people would consider such a location pure liebhaberei.
The observant spectator will notice, that the location differs with some meters on the two panos. Here I wanted as much as possible of the sunlit far away coastline, but normally I would say that the summerpano is shot from the most natural viewpoint.
Pano made from 11 pics (RAW), developed in DPP (8000K, neutral, moderate sharpness), 50 mm, iso-200, 1/160 sec, f/8, stitched in PTgui pro, re-scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.
Jörg Braukmann, Arno Bruckardt, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Friedemann Dittrich, Heinz Höra, Martin Kraus, Wilfried Malz, Jörg Nitz, Danko Rihter, Werner Schelberger, Christoph Seger, Jens Vischer, Beatrice Zanon
Gruss, Danko.
LG Werner
LG Jörg
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