Myretykkevej winter impression   92545
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1 Sjællands Odde peninsula, 26 km
2 Elmebjerg 41 m, Nekselø island, 6,5 km
4 Gadebjerg 41 m, Nekselø island, 5,8 km
5 Stold, 3,7 km
6 Vejrhøj 121 m, 11,8 km
7 Luntebjerg 84 m, 23 km


Location: Myretykkevej (12 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-01-24, 16:03
I guess it is too late to show winterpanos, so this will be the last one, paired with a pano from august 2012. Normally I don't post 2 panos at the same time, but I thought it could be funny to compare the seasons from the same spot. They are both shot around sunset.

The location is a quiet by-way; the only people to come here are locals. That is a shame, since the landscape and view is very unique. I thought the modest house at such an outstanding location is a funny contrast - many people would consider such a location pure liebhaberei.

The observant spectator will notice, that the location differs with some meters on the two panos. Here I wanted as much as possible of the sunlit far away coastline, but normally I would say that the summerpano is shot from the most natural viewpoint.

Pano made from 11 pics (RAW), developed in DPP (8000K, neutral, moderate sharpness), 50 mm, iso-200, 1/160 sec, f/8, stitched in PTgui pro, re-scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.


Vergleichsaufnahmen von verschiedenen Jahreszeiten sind für mich immer interessant. Im Sommerbild schöne Abwechslung von Licht und Schatten, hier gefallen mir besonders die rötlichen Wolken. LG Fried
2013/05/18 04:59 , Friedemann Dittrich
Sehr friedliches Pano!
Gruss, Danko.
2013/05/18 09:36 , Danko Rihter
Great picture pair!
2013/05/19 06:39 , Christoph Seger
Schön, mal die Vejrhoej (wie heißt das auf Deutsch?) zu sehen. Alles wieder fein ziseliert, die Landzungen und die Insel, auch die See und der Himmel.
2013/05/19 22:25 , Heinz Höra
Such impressions, you can present the whole year.
2013/05/20 21:41 , Jörg Braukmann
Eine wundervolle Stimmung - nicht nur aufgrund der schönen Wolkenformation.

LG Werner
2013/05/21 15:45 , Werner Schelberger
The house has been a surprise for me after scrolling to the end. Light and scenery are great!
LG Jörg
2013/05/21 21:04 , Jörg Nitz
Thank you all. 
@Heinz: If I understand you correctly, you ask what "Vejrhøj" means, right? It is pronounced "wär-hoi", and means "Wetter-hügel". LG Jan.
2013/05/22 23:53 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
I know I'm late. Great comparison. I actually prefer the winter version for the clouds. Cheers, Martin
2013/05/27 21:49 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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