Castlerigg Stone Circle   143819
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1 Clough Head 726m
2 Great Dodd 857m
3 Watson Dodd 789m
4 Helvellyn 949m
5 Raven Crag 461m
6 Dodd Crag 457m
7 BleaberryFell 590m
8 Wella Crag 360m
9 Dale Head 740m
10 Crag Hill 830m
11 Grisedale Pike 770m
12 Lord's Seat 552m
13 Latrigg 368m
14 Skiddaw (Little man) 865m
15 Lonscale Fell 715m
16 Blease Fell 600m
17 Blencathra 868m
18 Great Mell Fell 537m


Location: Near Keswick, Cumbria, Lake District National Park. (214 m)      by: Paul Chater
Area: United Kingdom      Date: 20-03-2013
Stone circles can be found in many countries throughout Europe. One of Britain's most impressive prehistoric Stone Circle monuments is Castlerigg; it was probably built around 5000 years ago. The ring consists of 38 stones in a 30 metre circle with the tallest stone being 2.3 metres high. On the eastern side of the circle is an additional 10 standing stones forming a rectangle within the circle. Castlerigg is one of Britain's earliest stone circles and it is important in terms of megalithic astronomy and geometry, as the construction contains significant astronomical alignments. The exact reasons these circles are unknown. Although many historians and Archaeologists falsely presume the circles were used for religious ceremonies and sacrificial rituals; with no evident whatsoever of neither. The only evidence that can be proven is the geometric and astronomy alignments.

When taking these images there were several other people photographing and walking around the circle. However I was lucky to mask out all other visitors.
32 images at 1/200sec f11 ISO 100


Ich warte aber noch mit Sternen.
Der Horizont ist mir ziemlich undefinierbar.
Du wirst es sich auf Englisch sicher auch noch hören lieber Paul.
Nichts für ungut wenn ich unrecht habe. Liebe Grüsse
2013/03/27 18:44 , Walter Schmidt
Four seasons in one day 
I was standing in sunshine taking these photos. However the weather to the south, was a heavy snow storms with very low cloud. To the north it was raining; typical English weather for February. regards, Paul.
2013/03/27 19:05 , Paul Chater
Für mich sehr beeindruckender Rundumblick!
Gruß Klaus
2013/03/27 19:28 , Klaus Brückner
A very nice view!
Cheers, Danko.
2013/03/27 23:24 , Danko Rihter
Very good Paul!!!!

BR Gerhard.
2013/03/28 00:16 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Very pretty scenery and light - The historic site looks just as interesting as Stonehenge and what's better is accessible without being crowded.
Part of what i like about stitching photos is not only that you can show more but also hide more. Cheers, Augustin
2013/03/28 02:47 , Augustin Werner
Dear Paul. I think motif and sharpness are great. I have two suggestions: Try to load in hugin, and make the Great Mell Fell-picture the first picture. Then remove all the controlpoints nearby, leaving only faraway controlpoints. If it is not possible, try to have short, tight areas only. And try then to have 2 pictures, they don't need to overlap, with faraway horizons, and add two of the so-called horizontal controlpoints, instead of normal, at two points where you would think they would be even. If any troubles make a comment, and we will help out. KR Jan.
2013/03/28 10:36 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Thanks for the comments 
Jan, in hindsight your suggestion would improve the image. I may reprocess the image when I have the time.

I used my film making tripod complete with sprit level. Therefore the horizon should be accurate and the stitching process didn't need any correction or additional control points. The only problem I had was eliminating about 20 other visitors from the image. This was partly achieved in stitching program and I finished it in PhotoShop.

The stones are not in a straight line because the stone circle is more of an ellipse shape as well as the ground at this location is not level - see for further information. Also see similar panorama image on -
2013/03/29 12:47 , Paul Chater
Great view and wonderful colours! Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2013/03/29 19:07 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Hi Paul. Not because of the stones, but the valley to right seems much deeper than the left, but alright...Still very nice. KR Jan.
2013/03/29 23:17 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Great Work!!
2013/03/30 12:39 , Sebastian Becher
Impressive panorama. I would also have questioned the horizon, but see that this has already been discussed. Cheers, Martin
2013/04/06 19:40 , Martin Kraus
I agree that the horizon is strange and that the stones are (at least in google maps) quite in a ciruclar arrangement. But since I did my Ronda bull fight arena picture I am astonished what funny effects you can create if you are not standing 100% in the center of a circular structure ...
2013/04/06 20:16 , Christoph Seger
Fine! I would like to see more of such images :-)

LG Werner
2013/04/11 20:30 , Werner Schelberger

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Paul Chater

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