Tissø from the west.   83274
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1 Lille Fuglede Kirke (church), 2,4 km.
2 Jorløse Kirke (church), 4,9 km.
3 Lille Åmose (moor).
4 P. 60 m, 10, 7 km.
5 Jyderup telemast, 311 m + 11 m üNN = 322 m, 17,8 km.
6 Kattrup Manor House 75 m, 8,3 km.
7 Vakkerdysse 60 m, 5,2 km.
8 Kløveshøj 100 m, 5,7 km, pano #9421.
9 Tissø 2 m.
10 Bøgebjerg 69 m, 7,4 km.
11 Sæby Kirke (church), 3,9 km.
12 Hallenslev Kirke (church), 3,3 km.


Location: Fugledegård.      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2012-01-06, 15:22.
I dare another wintertime pano, since it has a hard time getting warmer up here...This pano is taken from a bird-observatory tower, about 5 m in height.

It shows the Tissø and the eastern lateral moraine from the Great-Belt-glacier, with Kløveshøj (100 m) as the highest point.

The tower has a great view, but not the best bird-watching. The southern end of the lake is much better. One can often see White-tailed eagle and lots of waterfowl here. Shorebirds also in the southern part.

Pano made from 11 pics (50 mm), iso-100, f/9, 1/160s, developped in DPP (daylight + neutral + a little brightness and contrast), stitched with Hugin, scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.


What I like most is the warm winter light on the reeds. LG Wilfried
2012/04/21 09:41 , Wilfried Malz
Sehr gefälliges Panorama im schönsten Licht aufgenommen. Gefällt mir sehr gut Jan.

Liebe Grüsse
2012/04/21 13:33 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Sehr schön der leuchtende Schilfgürtel und die den See umgebenden Anhöhen. Im Frühling wird es so aussehen wie an meinem Lieblings-See auf Rügen (Panorama Nr. 5775).
Wohnst Du neben dem See, Jan?
2012/04/21 20:29 , Heinz Höra
Danke, soweit...Yes, I live quite close to it. If you click the aufnahmestandort, you look on the satelitten-karte. Then you click the zoom-button 3 times. In the top of the map you see a dorf along the road. Maybe you can sense a north-southeast going path, all the way through (old railway, now for bicycle-horseriding-jogging etc.). I live on the east-west going road, just a few houses left of the path, with 40000 sqm grass (and millions of löwenzahn's comming soon, I hope) to enjoy! LG Jan.
2012/04/21 22:37 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Wonderful colors.
2012/04/22 23:29 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sehr schönes Licht. Die Lanschaft erinnert auch mich an Rügen.
2012/04/23 16:38 , Jörg Braukmann
perfect lights an beautiful colours! needs no more words! greetings from Seb
2012/04/23 20:20 , Sebastian Becher
I don't know anything to comment. It's just great!
LG Jörg
2012/04/24 16:04 , Jörg Nitz

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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