Samsø and Djursland from Røsnæs (300 mm).   114454
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1 Jelshøj 128 m, south of Århus, 60 km.
2 Møllebakken 25 m with panorama tower, 20 km.
3 Mast, 58 km.
4 Skåde Bakker 106 m, 58 km.
5 Søsterhøj tele-tower 208 m + 104 m NN =312 m, 58 km.
6 Stålhøj Hage coastal cliff 10 m, 20 km.
7 Annebjerg 52 m, Samsø, 32 km.
8 Udsager Hage coastal cliff 15 m, 20 km.
9 Nordby Kirke (church), Samsø, 32 km.
10 Ballebjerg 64 m with panorama tower, Samsø, 34 km.
11 Langør, Samsø, 25 km.
12 Sandballe 48 m, Samsø, 35 km.
13 Camping site, Samsø, 33 km.
14 Draget, Samsø, 21 km.
15 Byløkke coastal cliff 25 m, Samsø, 33 km.
16 Telegrafbakke 41 m, Samsø, 35 km.
17 Issehoved, northernmost point on Samsø, 35 km.
18 Hønsepold 13 m, 23 km.
19 Besser Rev, 23 km.
20 Skanse 2 m, 24 km.
21 Kyholm island 11 m, 25 km.
22 Trehøj 79 m, Mols, 57 km.
23 Bøgebjerg 51 m, Mols, 58 km.
24 Trehøje 50 m, Mols, 58 km.
25 Lindholm island 8 m, 24 km.
26 Studstrupværket power plant 190 m, north of Århus, 66 km.
27 Monsbjerg 55 m, Helgenæs, 47 km.
28 Høghøj 53 m, Helgenæs, 46 km.
29 Ellemandsbjerg 99 m, Helgenæs, 48 km.
30 Lindholm Flak, 24 km.
31 Stødov Bakker 73 m, Helgenæs, 49 km.
32 Drødhøj 41 m, Helgenæs, 49 km.
33 P. 85 m, Mols Bjerge, 55 km.
34 Elbjerg 111 m, Mols Bjerge, 55 km.
35 Trehøje 127 m, Mols Bjerge, 56 km.
36 Trehøje Plantage, Mols Bjerge, 57 km.
37 Agri Bavnehøj 137 m, Mols, 59 km.
38 Vejrø island 21 m, 24 km.
39 Råbjerg 93 m, 60 km.
40 Møgelbjerg 83 m, 61 km.
41 Windmills Ebeltoft Ferryharbour, 49 km.
42 Bosser Flak, 22 km.
43 Hellig Tre Kongers Høj 37 m, 49 km.
44 Ebeltoft telemast 101 m + 48 m NN = 149 m, 51 km.
45 Hjulbjerg 51 m, Djursland, 49 km.
46 Blushøj 32 m, 49 km.
47 Kastelsbakke 39 m, Hjelm island, 44 km.
48 Stenled Sønderskov 64 m, Djursland, 59 km.


Location: Vågehøj, Røsnæs, Sjælland. (55 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2011-12-18, 14:41.
After the overview pano #9681 and and the teleview #9755 to the south, I have finally managed to "get things done" with the last tele-pano here.

As you can see from the time, this one came a little later than the two before. The low-standing sun is a challenge from november-february in Denmark. When not shining in the eyes (and the lens) it has a hard time shining through even thin cloudlayers, and above all casts long shadows. On this day the clouds were quite static so I simply waited until it could shine under the clouds. I shot some series in between, but this one with a little sunlight came out best.

There are some good far views here too, and they are more obvious. These other Fernsicht-panos has been very inspirational to me, and I intend to document the farthest view possible in Denmark, in a pano! So far I am probably the only contender...:-)

The landscape here is most of all created by so-called dead-ice. When the Great Belt gletcher advanced from the south, it reached it's maximum approx. at southern Samsø, Vejrø and Sejerø. Here it lost it's momentum, and the outermost tip broke off, with the rest retreating southwards. The broken off part is called dead-ice because it can no longer move. Characteristics are the hillstructure; depending on the exact creation they can be called drumlins or glacial lake hills.

Drumlins are created at the edge of the ice, and often a whole group of drumlins are created. On my former telepano, the landscape of Hindsholm, the northeastern part of Fyn, is such a drumlin-group. Here, Hønsepold is a typical drumlin. Imagine the edge of the ice with melting floods coming out from time to time. With the ice lying still, all the sediment and gravel will be washed out on the same place. As soon as a rock or icechunk is in the way, the sediment will pile up, and the proces becomes self-reinforcing. The drumlins will then appear like half-buried eggs: always the highest and steepest part pointing to the ice, and a longer slope pointing away.

The glacial lake hills (don't know the right english word) are typical in that they become round with flat tops and steep slopes. Hjelm is a typical example. Here you must imagine the dead ice as having melted lakes of water upon the surface. Soon the ice is like a cheese, with the lakes melting deeper and deeper. Sediment and gravel will be left on the bottom and will increase in mass from the area around it. The hills can be said to be inverted replicas of the lakes.

The pano was made from 20 pics (RAW), iso-200, f/9, 1/400s, handheld 300 mm, developed in DPP, stitched with Hugin, dots stamped away with GIMP, colour-corrected, scaled and sharpened with IrfanView.


Hallo Jan,
die "Wasserlinie" ist schon beeindruckend wie gerade du sie hinbekommen hast.

LG Hans
2012/03/24 15:53 , Johann Ilmberger
I think 66km seen from 59m of height is pretty far! LG Wilfried
2012/03/24 16:51 , Wilfried Malz
Very good work Jan and a very nice landscape!

2012/03/24 18:54 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Klasse gemacht ! Habe mehrmals die Karte und Dein Pano betrachtet und festgestellt, dass es gar nicht einfach ist Festland von Insel zu unterscheiden. Ganz rechts im Pano scheint der Blick wohl in die Kattegat zu gehen. Sorry for my English :-) Greetings HJ
2012/03/25 00:01 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Very special! A handheld 300mm in this quality - this proves again, that you an avid birder used to work at such focal lenghts.
kind regards Christoph
2012/03/25 11:28 , Christoph Seger
Master of Nordic! ;- )) 
Und das Handicap "Wasserlinie" hast Du fein bewältigt!
Gruss Walter
2012/03/25 14:04 , Walter Schmidt
What a view! Great document with a lot of interesting informations. The horizon of the water is exemplary!
LG Jörg
2012/03/25 23:04 , Jörg Nitz
Well done. It´s certainly not easy to make a good panorama of such plane scenery with so large areas of water.
2012/03/25 23:11 , Jörg Braukmann
I'm not at all sure that this is "landscape" by my personal definition of the word (I'd expect more land and more scape, i.e. 3D), but its definitively a great pano, and surely a view that can only be shown in panorama format. Cheers, Martin
2012/03/26 21:59 , Martin Kraus
Der Panoramameister Dänemarks 
hat hier seinem See-Land wieder ein würdiges Denkmal gesetzt. Røsnæs scheint mitten im Herzen Dänemarks zu liegen. Ich staune, was es alles zu sehen gibt - über große Distanzen und eine weite See. Alles wieder fein gezeichnet.
2012/03/28 00:09 , Heinz Höra
Payback time! 
Thank you all for the comments, ratings and encouragement. I am truly happy that so many like it. It almost seems it can only go downhill from here...;-) Regarding critique, like a few days ago on, I think it is important to underline, that whatever I am capable of, I have learned it here. If Hans-Jürgen Bayer hadn't answered on one of my first panos, I hadn't learn to sharpen in the first place. Straighten out a horizon I have only learned by picking up comments here on pp from time to time. In particular #7482, #8239, & #7398. Danke, Heinz! Without critique, my panos would look awful. But I think it should be uttered in a friendly and supportive way.

@Martin and Wilfried: We can maybe call it a sea-scape:-). Actually these sea-scapes have their own names in scandinavia. Scattered, rocky islands, are called a "skærgård", with "skær" from the same root as sharp, and "gård" meaning "yard", that is a well-defined limited area with sharp rocks in the water. Scattered moraine islands are called simply a "øgård", meaning "island-yard" or "Insel-hof". In danish, "gård" can both mean a farm or an area within a fence. The latter has the original meaning.

LG Jan.
2012/03/28 18:30 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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