A good part of Western Sjælland.   103566
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1 Glohøj 82 m, 18 km.
2 Etterbjerg 97 m, 18 km.
3 Sct. Mikkels church, Slagelse, 18 km.
4 Tele tower, Hashøj 93 m, 21 km.
5 Korsør Forest 28 m, 30 km.
6 Store Bælt bridge 254 m, 32 km.
7 Drøsselbjerg 42 m, 14 km.
8 Stevnsbakke 65 m, Fyn, 50 km.
9 Musholm Bugt, Storebælt.
10 Musholm island, 20 km.
11 Reersø peninsula, 15 km.
12 Tissø, 2 meters above sea level.
13 Romsø island 17 m, 36 km.
14 Digerbanke 35 m, Helgenæs, Fyn, 41 km.
15 Jammerland Bugt, Storebælt.
16 Urhøj 55 m, 11 km.
17 Fyns Hoved 25 m, 48 km.


Location: Kløveshøj. (100 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2011-10-14
The landscape just east of Tissø is a long hill, which rises to 100 m above sea-level. Considering that Sjælland only has a few hills above 100 m, this gives quite a dominance. The "summit" is a trigonometric point, but sadly overgrown, so a 360-degree panorama is not possible. Still the view is fantastic.

This overlook is from south to west - with the sun beginning to set. The view over Tissø is the most striking, but also the Storebæltsbro is prominent.

6 RAW pics, 50 mm objektive, iso-200, 1/250 sec, f/9. Stitched with Hugin, resized and sharpened in Irfanview.


...and again a wunderful impression of a northern european landscape without any mountains. Also technical it is very good!
LG Jörg
2011/10/16 20:01 , Jörg Nitz
Schöne Farben und ein perfekt waagerechter Horizont bei einer schönen Stimmung.

Jörg E.
2011/10/16 20:14 , Jörg Engelhardt
Da kann ich mich nur wundern über Jörg N., der bei einem so großen konturlosem Sonnenfleck technische Einwandfreiheit bescheinigt. Trotzdem gefällt mir das Panorama, daß die dänische Insellandschaft eindrücklich wiedergibt. Das würde es aber genau so gut tun, wenn dieser konturlose Sonnenfleck durch Beschneidung reduziert wäre.
2011/10/16 20:23 , Heinz Höra
@ Heinz 
Heinz, ich habe technisch keine Einwandfreiheit bekundet, nur, dass es technisch sehr gut ist. Das ist ein kleiner, aber feiner Unterschied. Wahrlich ist der Sonnenfleck ein Manko, welches ich fälschlicherweise nicht erwähnt hatte.
LG Jörg
2011/10/16 20:50 , Jörg Nitz
Pretty hilly I should say ;-) The dominance would be really interesting to know. Despite the slightly over-exposed sun, the pano deserves the appreciation. Greetings HJ

I read an article (SPON) about the highest peak in the Kingdom on Denmark.
There are three competing hills - Mollehoj, Ejer Bavnehoj and Yding Skovhoj. The highest peak so far was the Ejer Bavnehoj with 170,35m which I remember well, not the height but the name.
But newest measurements proofed that Yding Skovhoj is 170,77m high and, as the new highest peak, the winner is Mollehoj with 170,86m.
2011/10/16 21:19 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
- Yes HJ, we are down on the centimeters here. The funny thing is, that until some years ago, the Yding Skovhøj was regarded the highest point in Denmark, as it is actually 172,5 m - but it has a tumulus (Hügelgrab) on the top - and man-made structures don't count! So, Ejer Bavnehøj took the topspot, since it was not easy to make a precise measurement on Yding Skovhøj. When a precise one was made, Yding came in number 1 again! During a new measurement in 2005, however, the so far overlooked Møllehøj made the topspot!

The dominance from this point is 23 km - the nearest point higher is Mørkemose Bjerg, 105 m, to the east.

Any ideas to deal with the sun, btw? LG Jan.
2011/10/16 21:29 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Thanks Jan! I think you don't get around with single image processing here. Try to apply some gradient to the shots which include the sun. I don't know what software you are using, so maybe try out GIMP with UFraw (as you are using RAW material and there is a ufraw gimp-plugin) - RAWTherapee also allows raw image processing. Cheers HJ
2011/10/16 22:34 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Gekonntes Finish!
Gruss Walter
2011/10/16 23:37 , Walter Schmidt
Heinz and others 
The "konturloser sonnenfleck" has been cropped out. More and better labels. LG Jan.
2012/01/21 22:03 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Jetzt ist es sehr gut!
2012/03/30 13:33 , Heinz Höra

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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