A Tatra recollection   13504
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1 Gerlachovsky Stit, 2655
2 Zadni Gerlach
3 Batizovsky Stit, 2456
4 Kaczy Szczyt
5 Koncista, 2535
6 Ganek, 2462
7 Mlynarz, 2170
8 Vysoka, 2560
9 Cesky Stit, 2500
10 Rysy, 2499
11 Niznie Rysy, 2430
12 Zabia Turina, 2335
13 Wolowa Turnia, 2373
14 Roztocka Czuba, 1428
15 Czarny Mieguszowiecki, 2410
16 Posredni Mieguszowiecki, 2393
17 NE Pillar Route
18 Wielki Mieguszowiecki, 2438
19 Cubryna


Location: Bukowina Tatrzanska (1100 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Poland      Date: 15-08-2007
I began to shoot photos intended for stitching in September 2007, and this one dates back to August... In fact, looking among my Tatra photos I found three which overlapped by chance, and thus I put Hugin at work, although I knew from start that the outcome would not be exceptional.
When I took the photos I was cycling on the road Poronin - Lysa Polana, but I do not know the exact place. Interpolating a bit among the timing data that I could recollect, I arrived, as an approximation, to the proposed location. I helped me also with some step of binary search among Udeuschle renderings from standpoints along the road, which added some fun to this archaeological operation. Corrections and suggestions by experts of the place are welcome.
An hour after shooting these photos I was parking the bicycle at the entrance of the Tatra park; at noon I was on the top of the Rysy (2499), the highest mountain in Poland, which was very crowded as one may expect in a sunny August 15. In the afternoon I walked from Morskie Oko to the panoramic summits of Hruby Stit (2172) and Miedziane (2233).
Three further intense Tatra days followed: crossing the border to Tatranska Javorina (with the wonderful wooden church of St. Anna) I reached Stary Smokovec on the Slowak side. Leaving the bicycle at Hrebienok, I went up the Velka Studena Dolina to the Maly Ladovy (2602) and to the Ladovy Stit (2627), third-highest Tatra summit. Then, after sleeping at the Zbojnicka Chata I traversed the Gerlachovsky Stit (2655), descending to Batizovske Pleso. The last day, after transferring by bicycle to Popradske Pleso (with its unique «symbolicky cintorin»), I climbed again the Rysy (2499) from the Slowak side, the little but exquisite Kopka (2354), and the Koprovsy Stit (2357).
The underlying tour went as follows: bicycle from the Brennerpass to Göttingen, train to Sylt, train back to Osnabrück and then entirely by bicycle to home, passing through Leipzig, Dresden, Decin, Jelenia Gora, Czestochowa, Krakow, Wien, Lienz and the Dolomites.
Although for mountaineering the Tatras were by far the highlight, I climbed other easy summits along the way, among them: Brocken (1142) in the Harz, Lajstroch (1601) in the Little Tatra, Brennkogel (3016) on the Grossglockner road, the three Tofane (3238, 3244, 3225) from Fiames and finally the Ziolera (2478), over the Manghen pass, as a homecoming mountain.
A lot of photos about this journey are on https://picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/OsnaTatra and surrounding albums.


Ein beeindruckendes Bild des Hohen Tatra hast Du hier erstellt, Alberto. Wir waren früher immer erst von der Lysa Polana zum Polsky hreben oder Prielom hoch gewandert und von dort sieht man den Kamm vom Gerlach bis zu den Mengsdorfern nicht in dieser Ausbreitung.
2011/04/09 20:09 , Heinz Höra

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Pedrotti Alberto

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