Schwarzenbergplatz   74124
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1 Haus der Industrie
2 Hochstrahlbrunnen
3 Französische Botschaft


Location: Wien, Schwarzenbergplatz (150 m)      by: Stefano Caldera
Area: Austria      Date: 19 Apr 2008
25 images
Canon EOS 350D
EF 17-85 IS
F/4.5, 1/250s, 17mm


very good, stefano...reminds me of my years as a student in vienna
2009/11/08 21:02 , Michael Strasser
Very nice, but very view people on this place. LG Robert
2009/11/08 21:29 , Robert Viehl
Ci sono stato. Se non ricordo male è vicina al Belvedere. Ma come hai fatto a fotografarla senza un auto in giro?
2009/11/09 00:08 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sì, Giuseppe, la zona è quella. Mi sa che quel giorno era chiusa al traffico
2009/11/09 20:05 , Stefano Caldera
Why you did not cut the panorama in the forground? There it is very boring - and distorted.
2009/11/10 23:02 , Heinz Höra
Hello Heinz, because, in my opinion, it gives a greater depth of field
2009/11/14 10:50 , Stefano Caldera
Since I know this place very well I have to say GROSZARTIG !!!
2014/09/12 15:13 , Christoph Seger

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Stefano Caldera

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