Isole Egadi   4219
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1 Pizzo Falcone
2 Punta Bassana


Location: Levanzo (2 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Italy      Date: 04.07.2024


Summer feelings at its best!
But the horizon...
In my opinion it is so easy to solve this problem which is part of almost all your panos. Won't you try anytime to approach the problem generally? It would increase the quality of your panos so much.
LG Jörg
2024/07/22 19:43 , Jörg Nitz
I wonder why Marettimo is horizontally flipped...
Pizzo Falcone should appear right, and Punta Bassana left.
2024/07/23 12:01 , Pedrotti Alberto
The island on the left is not Marettimo, it's Favignana. The highest mountain is Monte Santa Caterina (314 m). Plz compare with pano #33150 "in the vicinity".
2024/07/23 19:15 , Arno Bruckardt
We were once stuck on Alicudi (#5989) -- this place seems to resemble the experience. Cheers, Martin
2024/07/25 20:51 , Martin Kraus

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Konrad Sus


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