A bear with the flag   2463
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1 Levocske vrchy
2 Vysoke Tatry
3 Belianske Tatry
4 Zapadne Tatry
5 Trzy Korony
6 Gorce
7 Beskid Sadecki
8 Magura Spiska


Location: Veterny vrch (1101 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Slovakia      Date: 21.10.2023
Veterny vrch its a summit in Magura Spiska range, situated in Slovakia. After huge strom in 2004 much of the forest was felled, so now its a nice sight point. My hike was from village Velky Lipnik - about 5 km. Veterny vrch means windy hill.


Love it.
Typical Slovak mountain, nice bear and a well-explaining text.
2023/10/21 21:13 , Arne Rönsch
Love it too ... and yes, this region is bear country ;-) !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2023/10/22 10:21 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Konrad Sus


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