Juraucocha   1430
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1 Juraucocha
2 Nevado Caramarca Chico, 5557
3 Unnamed lake
4 Nevado Jantauri, 5455
5 Nevado Sarapo, 6127
6 Nevado Carnicero, 5960
7 Nevado Jurau, 5674
8 Quesillo, 5600


Location: Above Laguna Jurau (4364 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Peru      Date: 02-08-2019
I am able to associate a name only to the lower and bigger lake. While inquiring whether the upper one has a name (which does not seem to be the case), I found this panorama.
Where does all this happen?


Very impressive!
2023/09/17 12:43 , Arjan Veldhuis

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Pedrotti Alberto

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