Lago di Pian Sapeio   9384
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1 Poggio della Lame, 1634m
2 Monte Aiona, 1701m
3 La Rocchetta, 1292m
4 Monte Pertusa, 1227m
5 Monte Ghiffi, 1238m
7 Monte Agugiaia, 1091m
8 Monte Zatta, 1340m
9 Monte Zatta di Ponente, 1355m
10 (Ligurian Sea)


Location: Lago di Giacopane (1015 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 16 June 2023

Giacopane Lake is located at an altitude of 1015 m. Below this lake there is a smaller one, called Pian Sapeio lake. The two basins are connected to facilitate the fall of water and exploit the jump for electricity production.
it is a pleasant area for easy trekking.


I think you will be surprised to know that we are only about 17 km from the sea
2023/06/21 14:34 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Small reservoir with dam - 17km away from the sea. Ligurian Sea ?

Maybe Lago di Vagli or Lago di Gramolazzo ?
2023/06/21 16:25 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Small reservoir with dam. Ligurian Sea, but it is not Lago di Gramolazzo or Lago di Vagli.
2023/06/21 17:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
La scoperta del lago di Giacopiane :-)

So much to discover along the Ligurian Apennin.
2023/06/21 18:00 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
It is not Lago di Giacopane :-)
2023/06/21 18:01 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Found this:
2023/06/21 18:06 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
oh wait...
Lago di Pian Sapeio
2023/06/21 18:08 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Yes, I'm at Lago di Giacopane but that's the Lago di Pian Sapeio :-)
2023/06/21 18:38 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Magnificent motif and riddle !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2023/06/27 06:04 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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