Lunigiana   9577
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1 Monte Grosso, 594m
2 Monte Alpicella, 826m
3 Podenzana
4 Monte Cornoviglio, 1162m
5 Monte Colmo, 1065m
6 Monte Tecchione, 1583m
7 Monte zuccoletto, 952m
8 Tresana
9 A15 Parma-La Spezia
10 Monte Grezzano, 1243m
11 Barbarasco
12 Aulla
13 Fortezza della Brunella
14 Monte Molinatico, 1550m
15 (Passo della Cisa), 1041m
16 Monte Logarghena, 1280m
17 Monte Braiola, 1818m
18 Monte Marmagna, 1852m
19 Monte Brusa', 1794m
20 Monte Sillara, 1861m
21 Pontebosio
22 Monte Losanna, 1856m
23 Monte Bocco, 1790m
24 Licciana Nardi
25 Cima Canuti, 1749m
26 Passo del Lagastrello, 1198m
27 Monte Giogo, 1510m
28 Punta Bufanaro, 1882m
29 Alpe di Succiso, 2016m
30 Pallerone
31 Passo del Cerreto, 1261m
32 Monte La Nuda, 1893m


Location: Castello di Bibola      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 12 June 2023

The Lunigiana is a historical territory of Italy. It is a mountainous region dissected by the Magra river, covers an area which runs from the Apennines to the Mediterranean Sea, now belongs in part to Tuscany and in part to Liguria.
As a region which controls the passage from Tuscany to the northern territories of Italy, Lunigiana was fought over for centuries in countless wars which pitted the native feudal dynasties against one another.
During the Middle Ages, there were 160 castles in Lunigiana, only thirty of which have reached our times. None of these castles are very famous, but it is a enough pleasant area to visit.
I'm at the castle of Bibola, of which only a few ruins remain, but which is a very scenic point.


Welcome (back) Giuseppe to our tiny (regrettably shrinking) community :-)
2023/06/13 18:40 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Better fewer but better :-)
2023/06/13 22:23 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ciao Giuseppe
Great that youare back.

Regarding the riddle I will try later - but Autostrada and Railroad (A1 south of Bologna?) should help ...
2023/06/14 07:58 , Christoph Seger
Ciao Christoph. South of Bologna maybe. The autostrada is not the A1.
2023/06/14 09:54 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Maybe A15, Fiume Magra, Lunigiana ?
2023/06/14 11:52 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Ok, Lunigiana. But where was the pano taken from?
2023/06/14 14:01 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ca…..o d. B..o.a ?

Along Via Carlo Goldoni :-)
2023/06/14 17:42 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Didn't have time to participate in solving this wonderful riddle last week ... and I see, that Fosdinovo isn't too far away ;-)

Cheers and welcome back,
2023/06/19 07:35 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
A delight to see you back! Cheers, Martin
2023/06/19 19:57 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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