Northern Breiðafjörður   3323
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1 Grafarfjall 249 m, 14 km
2 Asmóðarey, 15 km
3 Rauðseyjar, 27 km
4 Akureyjar, 11 km
5 Hóley, 22 km
6 Napi 703 m, 86 km
7 Múlahyrni, 70 km
8 Hrúteyjar, 6 km
9 Lækjarheiði, 61 km
10 Hjarðarnes, 50 km
11 Breiðafell 732 m, 64 km
12 Skálmarnesfjall, 36 km
13 Helgey, 7 km
14 Lónfell 720 m, 62 km
15 Reykhólahöfn, 10 km
16 Svínanesfjall, 33 km
17 Skálanes, 25 km
18 Skerðingsstaðahyrna 407 m, 15 km
19 Reykhólahreppur
20 Helgeyjarlönd, 7 km
21 Rjúnafell 487 m, 16 km
22 Reiphólsfjöll 881 m, 37 km
23 Vaðalfjöll 509 m, 22 km
24 Sandfell 394 m, 22 km
25 Kambsfjall 548 m, 15 km
26 Panorama #31784
27 Króksfjarðarnes, 9 km
28 Bakkasnjófjall 559 m, 15 km
29 Bruni 545 m, 22 km


Location: Staðarhólt (40 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Iceland      Date: 2022-07-09, 11:54
Between the large peninsulas of Northwestern Iceland, and Snæfellsnes, a smaller peninsula protrude. I don't know if it has a name, but the northern edge is called Skarðströnd, and the southern is called Fellsströnd. The northern road offered good views across the fjord, but not easy to ascent because of fence.

Pano made from 21 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@70mm, iso-100, f/8, 1/400 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Why are such clouds much more interesting when shown from you on Iceland :-)
Nice pano !
2023/02/20 18:10 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Perfect. Can't imagine this view to be better with blue skies. Cheers, Martin
2023/02/21 20:16 , Martin Kraus
...and labeled well.
2023/02/22 18:20 , Jörg Braukmann

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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