Predappio and surroundings   101251
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1 Monte Montone, 1104m
2 Monte Roccaccia, 1085m
3 Monte Aquilone, 883m
4 Monte Palazzolo, 1183m
5 Monte Carpegna, 1415m
6 Sasso Simone, 1204m
7 Poggio del Passino, 1319m
8 Monte Fumaiolo, 1408m
9 Monte Comero, 1372m
10 Monte Cucco, 1331m
11 Poggio Rovino, 1392m
12 Poggio Pian Tombesi, 1465m
13 Monte Gabrendo, 1550m
14 Monte Falco, 1658m
15 Monte Falterona, 1654m
16 Chiesa di Sant'Antonio
18 ex Casa del Fascio


Location: Rocca delle Caminate      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 11 July 2021

Rocca delle Caminate is a medieval castle located near Predappio in the Emilia-Romagna. It functioned as the summer home of Benito Mussolini, who was born in Predappio.
But Mussolini rarely lived in Rocca delle Caminate, because it was too far from Rome. More than anything else, the Rocca was the place where he would have lived in old age, but it never happened.
Luckily there is nothing now in the castle that reminds Mussolini, as, after many years of neglect, the interiors have been completely renovated to make it a university center with meeting rooms.


Gut gemacht. Beim rätsellösen lasse ich Italien-Kennern gerne den Vortritt.

2021/12/20 14:49 , Dieter Leimkötter
Hi Dieter. As you suggested, we are in Italy. The location from where the pano was taken is famous, but there is a kind of "damnatio memoriae" about it ;-)
2021/12/20 15:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
No clue yet either. Are these snowy mountains in the distance, or just clouds? Cheers, Martin
2021/12/20 17:48 , Martin Kraus
Hi Martin. They are clouds. There are no snow-capped mountains.
2021/12/20 17:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli
This place is hard to guess because it was removed from Italian public opinion and rightly preferred to forget it.
The mountains in the background are the Apennines.
2021/12/21 11:49 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sorry to the community, but I just do not get to comment at the moment. Small hint: The church at the end of the panorama was inaugurated on October 27, 1934 - a date who can be the key for the solution.
Cheers Werner
2021/12/21 19:39 , Werner Schelberger
I read an article about "Damnatio Memorae". It tells about sixteen Roman emperors who received this "title" after their deaths.
Has it to do with individuals like Caligula, Commodus, Elagabalus, Diocletian, Sejanus, Messalina ... ?

Or is it more in contemporary times ?
2021/12/21 21:15 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
The most famous case of "damnatio memoriae" in more current times that I know is about Trotsky in the Soviet Union.
Nowadays it is used in a somewhat ironic way.
In this pano, however, I referred it (jokingly) not so much to a historical figure, but to the building from which the pano was taken.

I think it is explained quite well in this example
2021/12/21 22:54 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Returning to the riddle, tonight I will give the solution.
If anyone wants to try, the tips are these:
1) The photos were taken from a Rocca (fortress)
2) the mountains in the background are the Apennines
3) if you want to understand the Italian political figure we are talking about, Werner's suggestion is very useful for understanding the period in which he lived.
2021/12/22 13:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
4) The Rocca was the summer residence during this period.
2021/12/22 16:50 , Werner Schelberger

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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