Window on the Apennines   41422
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1 Anticima Monte Podona, 1183m
2 Monte Sillara, 1861m
3 Monte Brusa', 1794m
4 Monte Orsaro, 1831m; 154,4Km
5 Monte Valoria, 1229m
6 (Passo della Cisa), 1041m
7 Monte Dosso, 1245m
8 Monte Molinatico, 1550m
9 Monte Barigazzo, 1284m
10 Monte Pratobello, 1191m
11 Monte Carameto, 1318m
12 Monte Tecchione, 1583m
13 Pizzo di Lonno, 782m
14 Monte Ragola, 1711m
15 Monte Nero, 1758m
16 Monte Maggiorasca, 1809m; 138,6Km
17 Alzano Lombardo
18 Roncalla, 1685m
19 Crociglia, 1578m
20 Rocca Borri, 1580m
21 Monte Oramara, 1522m; 137,2Km
22 Monte Alfeo, 1651m
23 Monte Penice, 1460m
24 Monte Lesima, 1724m; 128,4Km
25 Cavalmurone, 1670m
26 Monte Chiappo, 1700m
27 Monte Ebro, 1701m
28 Monte Giarolo, 1473m; 126,8Km


Location: Salmezza      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 11 December 2021
The Apennines photographed from the Alps.

The pano shows a partial view of the Ligurian Apennines and a small part of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.
The Cisa pass (Passo della Cisa) separates the Ligurian Apennines from the Tuscan-Emilian one.
The average distance of the Apennines visible from the shooting point is about 140Km (on the right they are closer, on the left further away).
Monte Maggiorasca (1809m), visible in the pano, is the highest peak in the Ligurian Apennines.


I suppose not far from home :-)
2021/12/13 11:02 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Exactly 10,5 Km :-)
2021/12/13 14:22 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Not bad this view out of a window ;-)
LG Jörg
2021/12/13 18:38 , Jörg Nitz
We call it a V-Ausschnitt! Kind regards Peter
2021/12/16 12:29 , Peter Brandt

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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